BLOG TOUR: Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills


The rich and popular Sharks rule at prestigious, ivy-covered Camden Prep. Once upon a time, I wanted to be part of their world—until they destroyed me.

The last thing I expected was an anonymous love letter from one of them.
Please. I hate those rich jerks for what they did to me. The question is, which Shark is my secret admirer?
Knox, the scarred quarterback.
Dane, his twin brother.
Or Chance, the guy who dumped me . ..
Dear Ava,

Your eyes are the color of the Caribbean Sea.
Sh*t. That’s stupid.
What I really mean is, you look at me and I feel something REAL.
It’s been ten months since you were here, but I can’t forget you.
I’ve missed seeing you walk down the hall.
I’ve missed you cheering at my football games.
I’ve missed the smell of your hair.
And then everything fell apart that night.
Don’t hate me because I’m a Shark.
I just want to make you mine.

Not part of any other series. Dark high school romance. Recommended for 18+.
An excerpt of Dear Ava appeared in the anthology: Team Player 2 in 2019. (No longer available.)
This full-length version is 100,000 words.

My Review:
I've just finished DEAR AVA by Ilsa Madden-Mills
When I first read about Ava and Knox I absolutely loved it and needed more. Their short story was part of TEAM PLAYER 2 anthology. Now we can read their whole story. Absolutely amazing! This book became favorite, and not just because of it's hot cover! 
No matter the road you take, it doesn't matter if it's beautiful or ugly, hard or smooth, paved or pitted with ruts- it's your road to take. What matters is how it ends.
What I loved about this story that Ava was so strong despite the fact that she went through horrible things. 
Sometimes you have ti hit rock bottom before you can crawl back up.
She was a bad@ss girl, I respected her because she went back to school, she fought against her demons, her problems. 
No one ever truly knows the heart of what some people are capable of.
Knox, oh boy! I loved him from the first chapter. He was a sexy jock with traumatic past, a hero, a good guy... I absolutely fell for him!
Every choice we make leads us down a path and we never know what's waiting for us at the end.
I loved their connection, I simply loved this couple. And I'm so happy that I could read more about them, their whole story was heart-warming, sweet, and so emotional.
Scars serve as medals of honor, and the strongest hearts have the most.
I simply fell in love with Knox, I fell for him because he was there for Ava, he wasn't a cold, womanizer guy who he seemed. He was a lovable, caring guy who went through a lot too. But I really loved him because he was Ava's biggest support.
The ending was perfect! I loved loved it!
Congrats Ilsa, it was an amazing story! 6* favorite
Épp most fejeztem be Ilsa Madden-Mills DEAR AVA című könyvét.
Korábban már olvastam Ava és Knox párosáról, ugyanis a sztori egy rövid része megjelent a TEAM PLAYER 2 című antológiában. Anno mikor befejeztem a novellát hiányérzetem vlt, és alig vártam, hogy újra találkozhassak Ava és Knox párosával 2020-ban!
Ami igazán tetszett a történetben az Ava karaktere. Ő egy igazán erős csaj, annak ellenére, ami történt vele a múltban és eddigi életében. Tisztelem, mert harcol a démonaival, a problémáival, és mert visszatért a suliba, hogy leküzdje ezeket.
Knox, oh anyám! Már az első fejezetben beleszerettem! Ő egy szexi sportoló, traumás múlttal, egy jó srác, egy hős... Totál elvarázsolt!
Szerettem a kettejük közti összhangot, a kapcsolatukat, egyszerűen imádtam ezt a párost. Nagyon örülök, hogy az írónő megírta kettejük teljes történetét. Eza  sztori szívmelengető, érzelmekkel teli, édes történet.
Egyszerűen belezúgtam Knox karakterébe, mert mindig ott volt Ava mellet. Nem az a szívtelen, rideg, csajozós pasi volt, akinek kezdetben tűnt. Egy szeretnivaló, gondoskodó srác, aki szintén nehéz dolgokonment keresztül. De abszolút kedvenc kedvenc karakter, mert Ava folyamatos támasza volt.
A befejezés pedig fantasztikus, tökéletes volt! Imádtam! 6 csillagos kedvenc!
Gratulálok Ilsa-nak, igazán fantasztikus sztorit alkotott!

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