THE ROSE by Tiffany Reisz~ARC review

USA ​Today bestselling author Tiffany Reisz returns to the world of The Red with an imaginative sequel full of lust and magic, and the dangers unleashed when the two are combined…
On the day of Lia’s university graduation party, her parents—wealthy art collectors with friends in high places—gift her a beautiful wine cup, a rare artifact decorated with roses. It’s a stunning gift, and one that August Bowman, a friend of her parents and a guest at Lia’s party, also has his eye on. The cup, August tells her, is known as the Rose kylix, and it’s no ordinary cup. It was used in the temple ceremonies of Eros, Greek god of erotic love, and has the power to bring the most intimate sexual fantasies to life.
But Lia is skeptical of August’s claims of the cup’s mythology and magic—after all, he’s a collector himself, and she suspects he just wants to get his hands on this impressive piece of art. So he dares her to try it for herself, and when Lia drinks from the Rose kylix she is suddenly immersed in an erotic myth so vivid it seems real—as though she’s living out the most sensual fantasy with August by her side…
Realizing the true power of this ancient and dangerous relic, Lia is even more wary of giving it up, though August insists it is only safe with him. He’s willing to pay the full value of the cup, but Lia has another type of trade in mind. One that finds them more tangled up in each other—and in fantasy—than either was prepared for.

My Review:
Why I love books written by Tiffany Reisz? Because they are unique, like THE RED and THE ROSE. 
Falling in love is brave and dangerous.
This story is an erotic fairytale. Lia (daughter of Mona from The Red) get a kylix from her father as a graduation present. But this kylix had a special power: when someone drinks from it he/she will experience her/his erotic fantasies, they enter them, live them. 
August, a really handsome, attractive and myterious man told Lia the story about the kylix and he helped her use it. Lia loved mythology so through her erotic fantasies we could read about the famous and hot stories from the greek mytology. 
You can't keep secrets about yourself from the person you love. If they don't truly know you, they can't truly love you.
Unbelievable what Tiffany Reisz can do! Every chapter told a story about a famous mytological couple, about their love story. This book arused my interest about greek mytology, now I want to know more about the couples in the book! 
August said the gods envy mortals because our actions have consequences. Even when the consequences are bad they're still good because they give weight and meaning to our lives and choices.
If I forgot the hurt, I'd forget the healing. 
It's an erotic book with lots and lots of sex scenes in it. But it's also a romantic story too. I recommend this book to every Tiffany Reisz fan, especially those should read it who love the Red!
I don't really know how many stars should I give this book. I love Tiffany's work, I loved The Red, and I liked this book too. But somehow I liked the Red more, I finished that in record time. Maybe the classic art was closer to me than the greek mytology? I don't know. So compairing to that book (which was 5 stars for me) I give this book 4* because it was unique, and hot and sweet too!

Miért is szeretem Tiffany Reisz könyveit? Mert mind különleges, úgy mint a Red és a Rose című könyvei!
Ez a történet egy erotikus tündérmese. Lia (A Red című könyvben megismert Mona lánya) apjától egy kelyhet kapott, melynek mágikus ereje van. Egészen pontosan, aki iszik belőle, az átéli szexuális fantáziáit.
August, egy igazán helyes, vonzó, titokzatos pasi meséli el Lianak a kehely történetét, azt hogy mire képes, és segít neki "használni". Lia nagy rajongója a mitológiának, így az ő erotikus fantáziáján keresztül megismerhetjük a görög mitológia leghíresebb és legerotikusabb szerelmi történeteit.
Hihetetlen milyen történeteket alkot Tiffany Reisz! Minden fejezetben megismerhetünk egy híres mitológiai pár, az ő történetükbe csöppenünk bele. Ez a könyv felkeltette az érdeklődésemet a görög mitológia iránt, kedvem támadt utánanézni ezeknek a pároknak, ezeknek a híres történeteknek.
Ez egy erotikus könyv nagyon-nagyon sok szexjelenetettel, mindemellett egy romantikus történet is. Ajánlom minden Tiffany Reisz rajongónak, főleg azoknak, akik szerették a Red című könyvét.
Nem is tudom hány csillagot adjak a könyvre. Tetszett, de a Red című könyv jobban bejött, azt rekord idő alatt elolvastam, ezzel egy kicsit lassabban haladtam. Lehet a klasszikus festészet közelebb áll hozzám, mint a mitológia? Nem tudom, lehetséges. A Red című könyvre 5 csillagot adtam, így ahhoz viszonyítva ennek a könyvet 4 csillagot tudok adni, mert tényleg tetszett, azért mert különleges, egyedi volt. 

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