Blue Echohawk doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know her real name or when she was born. Abandoned at two and raised by a drifter, she didn't attend school until she was ten years old. At nineteen, when most kids her age are attending college or moving on with life, she is just a senior in high school. With no mother, no father, no faith, and no future, Blue Echohawk is a difficult student, to say the least. Tough, hard and overtly sexy, she is the complete opposite of the young British teacher who decides he is up for the challenge, and takes the troublemaker under his wing. This is the story of a nobody who becomes somebody. It is the story of an unlikely friendship, where hope fosters healing and redemption becomes love. But falling in love can be hard when you don't know who you are. Falling in love with someone who knows exactly who they are and exactly why they can't love you back might be impossible.

My Review:
It's a beautifully written story about family, friends and love. 
Blue didn't know anything about herself, she didn't know her age, her name, her mother... She lost her father when she was a kid. After it she had problems in the school. She was rebellious.
Why don’t you focus on where you’re going and less on where you came from?
When she was 19, she met her professor, her teacher, Mr. Wilson. Wilson was only about 2 or 3 years older then her. They became friends. I loved their friendship. Wilson was perfect, a good friend and mentor. He helped his problematic student. I loved his character. 
You can't control who loves you...you can't let someone love you anymore than you can make someone love you
This story wasn't a forbidden teacher-student love story. Their relationship was developing slowly and I loved this.
Loving someone means putting their needs above your own. No matter what. 
I loved that the story was written in Blue's POV, because of this we culd see how much she changed thanks to Wilson, but sometimes I would love to read about Wilson's thoughts too.
But there's no way to avoid regret. Don't let anybody tell you different. Regret is just life's aftertaste. No matter what you choose, you're gonna wonder if you shoulda done things different. I didn't necessarily choose wrong. I just chose. And I lived with my choice, aftertaste and all.
I loved the old Indian stories in the book telling by Blue. Blue changed a lot, her personality developed a lot through the story. She became a better person.
This story was a beautiful, slowly developing love story with an epic plot twist.  It was good to read! 
I recommend this book to those who love Amy Harmon's books, I absolutely love her style! 4.5*

Ez a könyv egy nagyon szépen megírt történet, amely a családról, barátokról és a szerelemről szól.
Blue nem sok mindent tudott magáról, nem tudta, hogy hány éves, mi az igazi neve, nem tudott semmit az anyjáról... Még gyerek volt, mikor az apját elvesztette. Ezután problémás, lázadó gyerek volt, főleg az iskolában.
19 évesen találkozott Mr. Wilsonnal, középsulis tanárával, aki csak 2-3 évvel volt idősebb nála. Jó barátok lettek. Imádtam a kettejük között kialakult barátságot. Wilson egyszerűen tökéletes volt, tökéletes barát és mentor. Segített egy problémás diákon és ezért egyből megkedveltem. Szerettem a karakterét.
A történet nem egy tiltott, titkos tanár-diák viszonyról szól. Szoros kapcsolat alakult ki közöttük, de a kapcsolat nagyon lassan alakult csak ki, és ez nagyon tetszett.
Jó volt olvasni Blue gondolatait, így láthattuk, hogy sokat változott Wilsonnak köszönhetően. De néha jó lett volna olvasni Wilson gondolatait is.
Jók voltak a Blue által elmesélt régi indián történetek, tetszettek. Blue nagyon sokat változott pozitív irányba, nagyon sokat fejlődött a karaktere, jobb ember lett.
Ez egy nagyon szépen megírt szerelmi történet egy elég váratlan csavarral a végén. 
Ajánlom a könyvet azoknak, akik szeretik Amy Harmon könyveit, én kimondottan szeretem a stílusát! 4.5*

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