When I Was Yours by Samantha Towle

“Marry me.” 
“What?” I stared back at him, unblinking. 
He moved closer, taking my face in his hands. “I love you, Evie. I look into the future, and the only thing I see clearly is you. Marry me.”
What’s an eighteen-year-old girl who was madly in love with her nineteen-year-old boyfriend say?
Of course, I said yes.
Twenty-four hours later, I married Adam Gunner at a Vegas chapel to the sounds of “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi. Not the best omen. I get that now.
Then, exactly one week later, I left him. I walked out, leaving behind my wedding ring, annulment papers, and my heart, and he never knew why.
I haven’t seen him since. Not in ten long years.
Now, he’s here, standing before me. Looking at me with nothing but hurt and hatred in his eyes, he wants answers.
Answers I can’t give.

My Review:

I really don't know how to rate this book. Because it was good, but somewhere in the middle of it, the story become boring. Maybe it was because of I guessed in the middle of the story what was the big secret, why Evie left Adam. It's a calculable story.
Evie met Adam in Malibu. She lived in Malibu, and Adam was spending a year surfing there before he was going to Harvard. She didn't have time for dating, she was studying and working a lot to help her father and sister. But when she met Adam the first time in her life she fell in love. 
They were so different. Adam was dating a lot. He has famous parents, a lot of money, a lot of women, had  a lot of sex, but he didn't have a caring family, he is alone (except Max, his best friend). Evie is poor, has to work a lot beside school, she is a virgin, lost her mother, but she has a caring father and sister. She has family.
The story was told in alternate POV. We can read about Evie's and Adam's feelings, thoughts too. And we can read about the past, and the present too. 
I like Adam, he changed because of Evie, he was patient with Evie. He waited 8 months with the sex!!! I love him because of this!
" I think I've just met the girl of my dreams, the girl who I didn't even know I was dreaming of."~Adam
After one year, they get married in Vegas. They were happy, but one week later Evie left Adam. Adam broke. He tried to find her, but he couldn't. 10 years passed, and they met again. Adam couldn't move on. I felt sorry for him. He didn't know why she left. He didn't know the reason, and he couldn't let her go. When they met again he wanted answers. And she didn't give him the reason, and I hated her because it. Because why couldn't she tell him why she left? She made him suffer for 10 years. She could stop this anytime,but she kept the secret, and she continue hurt him .
"God, I hate myself. And I hate Evie. I hate her for living her life without me. And I hate that I haven't been able to live without her. Because, really, all I have done for the last decade is exist enside the haze of my memories of her."~Adam
"The truth is a hard thing. He might think he wants the truth, but honestly, if he has it, I think he'd realize he never wanted it. The truth can hurt, and this one would hurt him like a motherfucker." ~Evie 
"We each became a slave to the choice I had to make." ~Evie 
I liked Adam, he was so sweet when he was 18, and I totally understand him when he was 28. I liked that we could read about how a man can suffer because of a heartbreak.
"I lusted her, then loved her, and then hated her. I've mentally chased her for the last ten years, never giving her up. My obsession has always been there. I never could get enough of Evie. and no matter what she's done to me, whether I love her or hate her, I will always wamt her. I fucking hate that." ~Adam
"I won't ever truly be over her. I'll always love her. but I have to let her go now."~Adam 
"I can't seem to stop. I don't know how to stop. I'm eighteen years old again and at her mercy. I know it has to stop because I can't keep doing this to myself. I can feel myself softening toward her, getting close again, and I can't let that happen. I can't risk  letting her shred me to pieces again. I barely survived the last time." ~Adam 
 “There is nothing worse than loving someone when they don’t love you back, especially when you have only yourself to blame for it.” ~Evie
"I'm not over you, Evie. I don't think I ever will be. But I can't be with you because I don't trust you, and I don't forgive you for leaving me the way you did."~Adam 
But I didn't like Evie. I understand why she left Adam, and I understand that she suffered too. But after she left she had a lot of opportunity to tell Adam what happened, and she didn't. Adam would helped her.
So it's a calculable love story. I liked this book, I didn't regret buying and reading it. But I loved The Storm series by Samantha Towle, and this book doesn't reach that level. 

Nem tudom, hogy értékeljem a könyvet. Mert igazából jó volt, de valahol a közepén elkezdtem unni. Lehet azért van ez, mert már a közepén kitaláltam mi a nagy titok, miért hagyta el Evie Adam-et. Ez egy kiszámítható sztori.
Evie és Adam Malibun találkoztak. Evie ott élt, Adam pedig egy évre költözött oda, hogy szörfölhessen, mielőtt elmegy a Harvardra. Evie-nek nincs ideje randizni. Sokat tanul és dolgozik hogy segíthessen apjának és testvérének. De amikor találkozik Adammel, életében először szerelmes lesz.
Adam és Evie nagyon különbözőek. Adam sokat randizott, híres szülei vannak, sok pénze, sok nője, sok szexben van része. de nincs törődő, szerető családja, egyedül van( legjobb barátját, Maxet leszámítva). Evie szegény, suli mellett dolgoznia kell. Elvesztette az édesanyját, de van szerető apja és testvére, van családja. A történet váltakozó szemszögből íródott. Így megismerhetjük Evie és Adam érzéseit, gondolatait is. És olvashatunk a múltról és jelenről egyaránt.
Szeretem Adamet! Sokat változott Evie miatt. 8 hónapot várt a szex-szel! és emiatt nagyon szeretem! :)
Egy évvel később összeházasodtak Vegasban. Boldogok voltak, mígnem egy héttel az esküvő után Evie elhagyta Adamet. Adam összetört. Mindenhol kereste, de nem találta. 10 év eltelt mire újra találkoztak. Nagyon sajnáltam Adamet, mert nem tudta miért lépett le Evie. Nem tudta az okot. ezért nem is tudott túllépni rajta, nem tudott továbblépni. Újra találkoztak és Adam választ akart. De Evie még ekkor se mondta el miért ment el. És ezért gyűlöltem. Mert miért ne tudná most elmondani neki miért hagyta el? 10 évig szenvedett Adam miatta. Bármikor megszüntethette volna a szenvedését, elmondhatta volna a titkot, de továbbra is titokban tartotta, és Adam így továbbra is szenvedett, így továbbra is bántotta Adamet.
Szerettem a 18 éves Adamet, mert nagyon édes volt. De teljesen megértem a 28 éves Adamet is. Jó volt olvasni egy olyan történetet, ahol arról olvashatunk, hogy egy pasi is szenvedhet szívfájdalom miatt.
Eviet viszont nem szerettem. Megértem miért hagyta el Adamet, és értem hogy ő is szenvedett. De miután elment sok lehetősége lett volna elmondani az igazat Adamnek, de nem tette. Adam segített volna neki.
Szóval ez egy kiszámítható történet. Nem bánom hogy megvettem és elolvastam. De Samantha Towle Storm című sorozatát nagyon szerettem és ez a könyv nem érte el azt a szintet.

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