53 LETTERS FOR MY LOVER by Leylah Attar

Series: 53 letters for my lover #1

This is not your typical love story. 
It’s not so black and white. Lines are crossed. 
Walls are smashed. Good becomes bad. 
Bad becomes very, very good.
Shayda Hijazi—the perfect wife, the perfect mother, the perfect daughter. For thirty-three years, she has played by the rules, swallowing secrets, burying dreams and doing whatever it takes to anchor her family. Shayda Hijazi is about to come face to face with the one thing that can rip it all apart, the one thing her heart has always been denied: Love.
Troy Heathgate—untamed, exhilarating, dangerous—a man who does exactly as he pleases. Life bends to his will. Until he comes across the one thing he would give it all up for, but can never have.
Born on the same day in opposite corners of the world, their lives collide. And nothing is ever the same again. 
Spanning three decades, 53 Letters for My Lover is a fiercely sensual, emotional ride to the heart of an epic, forbidden love that defies it all—an intimate exploration of love, loyalty, passion, betrayal, and the human journey for hope, happiness and redemption.

My Review:

What good is love if you don’t show it?
No one knows how many tomorrows they have. That’s what makes it all so precious.
OMG! This book was amazing! I really really LOVED it! I love how Leylah Attar writes. This was a beautifully written book. I loved how the author wrote about the characters' feelings. I loved the metaphors.
The only way to feel truly alive is to start living fearlessly.
Shayda had a hard life. She married Hafez. He was a good guy, but he had issues. They loved each other, but the passion, the chemistry was missing. When Shayda met Troy, she started to feel something… She started to fall in love. And despite the fact, that Hafez was a good man, and the had two beautiful children I was cheering/hoping that Troy and Shayda became a couple. Was I bad person? Because this story was about cheating… After I read the book I understood that nothing was only black and white. They were in a hard situation.
They tell you that an affair destroys everything, that there are no winners, that there is only heartbreak. I know this. and still I do it. Still I take his face in my hands and kiss him until he returns my fierce, desperate kissis with a fervor that pushes everything else aside.
It’s one of those moments that sears itself in your heart, where you realize that that somehow, miraculously, through all the mistakes  you make, through all the hurt and pain, happiness can still find its was through the cracks in your heart.
This story has depth. It’s not just about cheating. I loved that Shayda and Troy’s relationship developed slowly. Troy was so so patient. It wasn’t just about that he wanted to seduce a married sexy woman. It was about love. I fell in love with Troy.💓 He was lovable, patient, hot, a respectable man.
If we base our decisions on all the things we’re afraid of, we would be paralyzed with fear. We’d never have the guts to love, or hope or dream, or have kids, or swim int he ocean. And that’s what makes us human, isn’t it? What carries us through it all?
This book was on my TBR, and now I couldn’t understand why I didn’t read it before. It was amazing! I think this story will stay with me for a long time. And I really love Leylah Attars style!
We have an infinite capacity to love, but when you wrap up your love and give itt o someone, they expect all of it. And that’s what you think too- that you1re giving them everything you’ve got. You really do. Until you realize that love is end-less, bottom-less, boundary-less. The more you give, the more gushes out. It spills over, refusing to be contained in neat little parcels, swelling like a river after a flash flood. and int he end, it doesn’t matter which part was whose, because int he end it’s all one. like streams merging into the ocean.
This is a beautiful love story. I hope it will be released in Hungary too, I know some people who would love to read this story!

Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Kedvenc lett az biztos! Nagyon tetszik ahogy az írónő ír, szeretem a stílusát. Ez a könyv pedig nagyon szépen megírt szerelmi történet. Nagyon tetszettek az írónő hasonlatai és az, ahogyan leírta a szereplők érzelmeit.
Főhősnőnk Shayda, aki elég nehéz életet él. Férje Hafez, aki jó ember, de vannak problémái. Bár szeretik egymást, valami mindig is hiányzott a házasságukból, a szenvedély, a vonzódás. Mikor Shayda találkozott Troy-al, valamit elkezdett érezni... Életében először szerelmes lett és először érzett vágyat, vonzódást. És bár Hafez jó ember volt és két gyönyörű gyerekük is volt, én mégis szurkoltam, reméletem hogy Shayda és Troy összejönnek. Rossz ember vagyok? Mert ez a történet megcsalásról szól. De miután elolvastam a könyvet rájöttem, hogy nem minden fekete-fehér. Elég nehéz helyzetben voltak a főhősök.
A történetnek van mondandója, nem csak megcsalásról szól. Ami nagyon tetszett a sztoriban, az az, hogy Shayda és Troy kapcsolata lassan bontakozott ki. Troy nagyon nagyon türelmes volt. Számára nem csak arról szólt ez az egész kapcsolat, hogy el akar csábítani egy szexi feleséget. Ő tényleg szerelmes lett. Én pedig teljesen belezúgtam. 💓 Troy egy szeretnivaló, türelmes, tiszteletteljes, szexi üzletember.
Már nagyon régóta várólistás volt ez a könyv, és nem értem eddig miért nem olvastam. Fantasztikus volt! Ez a történet bizti velem marad hosszú ideig. Imádom Leylah Attar stílusát.
Ez egy nagyon szép szerelmi történet, és remélem, hogy Magyarországon is meg fog jelenni, mert ismerek egy pár embert, aki szívesen olvasná!

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