A smokin’ hot British player…
A jilted girl…
One night of mistaken identity…
Two weeks before her wedding, Remi Montague’s
fiancé drops her faster than a drunken sorority girl in stilettos. Armed with
her best friend and a bottle of tequila, she hops a plane to London to drown
her sorrows before fall semester begins at Whitman University.
She didn't plan on attending a masquerade party.
She sure didn’t plan on waking up next to the
British bad boy who broke her heart three years ago—the devastatingly handsome
and naked Dax Blay. Furthermore, she has no clue how they acquired matching
Once back at Whitman together, they endeavor to
pretend they never had their night of unbridled passion in London.
But that’s damn hard to do when you live in the
same house…
One night. Two damaged hearts. The passion of a
It's the second book in the English series. I haven't read the first book, Dirty English, but it is on my TBR list. I won this book on a giveaway. It is a standalone book, so I started reading without reading the first book. It was my first book from the author, but not the last and it's sure I'm going to read Dirty English too!
"Give me my Romeo, and, when he shall die, take him, and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night..." ~Juliet, Romeo and Juliet
Remi travelled to London after her fiancé dropped her. She wanted to forget, find a rebound guy. She met Dax in a club. Dax was, who broke her heart 3 years ago. And now he was back. He saved her life. They had chemistry, they attracted each other. But Remi knew they didn't match. The big question is: can she resist Dax? Can she resist the hot British guy?
"The thing is, Dax is a temporary guy and I'm a forever girl, and the two didn't go together."~Remi
Dax had a crush on Remi 3 years ago too. But he is afraid of commitment, and he didn't do relationships. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. But he wanted Remi. They had connection. It was more than sex between them. And he was afraid of the feelings. Remi understood him.
"Loving hurts, but losing someone... devastates you. Changes you."~Remi
"I was fucking scared of the power she held over me. She made me vulnerable."~Dax
They were fighting a lot and I loved it. I wanted them to be together. Dax fought himself too because he wanted Remi, but he thought she deserved a better person. Remi fought herself too because she was afraid of the heartbreak Dax could cause her.
"I told myself to leave her alone. Several times. But like a magnet, I’d planted myself next to her. I couldn’t help myself."~Dax
"I'm sorry I stomped on your heart."~Dax
But they couldn't resist each other.
"He was my imperfect soul mate, and every tiny thread in the universe had stitched my heart to his, piecing us together, fashioning us into something that was, in my mind, absolutely perfect."~Remi
"She was my light, my breath. She was my Juliet."~Dax
I understood Remi, because she went through a horrible thing 3 years ago (because of Dax). Dax broke her heart 3 years ago. But he was sooooooooooo sweet. Besides he was hot as hell!

I loved Dax too. He was the perfect bookboyfriend. The sexy British guy, who could have everyone he wanted, but he wanted only Remi... He was sexy, cocky and funny too. The perfect guy!
Now I need to buy Dirty English too, because I want to read Declan's story too!!! Declan is Dax's twin brother and a fighter.... Yummy!
Ez a sorozat második kötete. Nem olvastam még az első részét, a Dirty Englisht, de már kívánságlistás volt. Egy nyereményjátékon keresztül nyertem ezt a könyvet, és mivel ez egy önálló történet, ezért az első könyv elolvasása nélkül nekiálltam. Az első könyvem volt az írónőtől, de biztos nem az utolsó, a Dirty Englisht is mindenképpen el fogom olvasni, az tuti!
Remi Londonba utazik, miután dobta a vőlegénye. Felejteni akart és ehhez találni egy pasit. Egy klubban találkozott Dax-el. Dax volt az, aki 3 évvel ezelőtt összetörte a szívét, és most visszatért... Dax megmentette Remi életét. Vonzódnak egymáshoz, sistereg köztük a levegő. De tudja Remi, hogy nem illenek össze. De a nagy kérdés, hogy ellen tud-e állni Dax-nek? Ellen tud-e állni a szexi brit pasinak?
Dax-nek is bejött Remi 3 évvel ezelőtt, de nem volt még párkapcsolatban, tart az elköteleződéstől. azt sem tudja, hogy mit akar kezdeni az életével. Akarta Remit. Volt köztük valami kapocs. Több volt ez köztük, mint szex. Dax fél az érzelmektől. remi megérti őt.
Sokat veszekedtek, és nekem ez nagyon tetszett. Szerettem volna őket már együtt látni. Dax magával is küzdött, mert akarta Remit, de úgy gondolta, hogy Remi jobbat érdemel nála. Remi is harcolt önmaga ellen, mert félt attól, hogy Dax újra összetöri a szívét. DE nem tudtak ellenállni egymásnak.
Megértem Remit, mert szörnyű dolgon ment keresztül 3 évvel ezelőtt (Dax miatt). Dax 3 évvel ezelőtt összetörte a szívét. De aaaanyira édes! És szörnyen szexi is!!! 

Szerettem Dax karakterét. A tökéletes könyves pasi. A szexi brit srác, aki bárkit megkaphat, de csak Remi-t akarja... Szexi, öntelt és vicces. A tökéletes pasi!
Most meg kell vennek a Dirty English-t, mert el akarom olvasni Declan történetét is. Declan Dax ikertestvére és egy harcos... nyami!
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