Northern Stars by Brittainy Cherry~ARC review


Hollywood's biggest star first belonged to me.

Northern Stars is an angsty, new adult, second chance standalone romance from Brittainy Cherry.

Breaking up with your high school sweetheart was one thing.
Breaking up with a famous Hollywood actor? That was a different situation.

I’d been in love with Aiden Walters since I was a little girl. We’d grown up as neighbors in our small town. He was my first love, and I was his. I was there when his career took off, and I was certain I’d always be a part of his life.

But just when his Hollywood star began to really shine, the internet blew up with the news of his real-life girlfriend at home. When I realized he was spending more time defending me than focusing on his career, I did the only thing I could do - I let him go.

Five years later, he was back home staying in the only hotel in our small town. Of course, it was the one I managed. I was forced daily to see the man whose heart I’d broken all those years ago.

The man who now resented me.
The man who grimaced with annoyance every time he looked my way.
The man who swore he’d never speak to me again.

It was clear that I was now his sworn enemy. Still, during our arguments, I saw the sparks of the boy I grew up loving. I craved his warmth, his touch, and the feelings that we once had.

I had to remind myself daily of why I ended things with him in the first place. Otherwise, I’d find myself falling in love with him all over again. Only this time, I was certain that if I fell, he wouldn’t be willing to catch me.

My Review:

It was a good book, but not my favorite Brittainy Cherry book. Overall I didn't have a problem with the book, but I didn't fell head over heels in love with the characters, despite the fact that it was written in alternate point of view. 
Sometimes words didn't help a situation.Sometimes you just have to let time pass on by.
I liked the storyline despite the fact that I thought it was a little bit like a fairy tail. And why was that? It wasn't because Hailee wasn't thin like a model. I think that it was exemplary how she became so confident and how she accepted her body. But what bothered me, that I think Hailee got over the fact that Aiden was a famous movie star, and the inconveniences too quickly. This was a little bit unbelievable for me. 
You don't always have to be good, but you should always be true.
Aiden stayed true to himself, he stayed that simple guy who he was. I think he was too perfect. :)
That was my favorite thing about best friends- how they could make the dark days shine with splashes of light.
What I really loved that was the storyline and the plottwists, especially in the third part of the book. It was so excited, I really enjoyed reading it.
We can't learn from our mistakes if we are never given the grace to show our griwth and apologize.
I love how Brittainy writes, she writes beautifully, I highligthed a lot of beautiful quotes this time too (as always).
Only accept love that feels good to the soul and give that love back tenfold.

Nem mondom, hogy rossz könyv volt ez, de nem került be a kedvenc Brittainy Cherry könyveim közé. Összességében nincs bajom a könyvvel, de nem lettem szerelmes a karakterekbe. Sajnos nem kerültek közel hozzám a szereplők, annak ellenére, hogy a történet váltott nézőpontból íródott.
Tetszett a cselekmény, bár szerintem egy kicsit olyan volt, mint egy tündérmese. Miért éreztem így? Nem azért, mert Hailee nem volt egy modellalkat. Úgy gondolom Hailee igen példaértékű, ahogy elfogadta a testét és amilyen magabiztossá vált fiatal énjéhez képest.
De ami igazán zavart az az, amennyire könnyen túllépett azon, hogy Aiden híres színész, és az ezzel járó negatívumok, kellemetlenségen is hamar túllendült. Legalábbis én így éreztem. Egy kicsit hihetetlen volt számomra.
Aiden hű maradt önmagához, ugyanaz az egyszerű srác maradt, aki korábban volt. Szerintem már túlságosan is tökéletes volt. :) 
Ami igazán megfogott a könyvben az a cselekmény és fordulatok, különösen a könyv harmadik harmadában, itt már izgalmasabb volt a történet, élveztem.
Imádom, Brittainy stílusát, nagyon szépen ír, sok szép idézetet emeltem ki magamnak (most is, mint mindig).

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