The Problem With Dating by Brittainy Cherry ~ARC review


If I had to choose a person to hate, Alex Ramírez would’ve been first on the list…

Welcome to Honey Creek, Illinois, where life was as sweet as the town’s name suggested. That was, until Mr. Fine Dining himself, Alex Ramírez, rolled into town with a permanent scowl. Even worse, he decided to park his snooty five-star restaurant across from my cozy dog daycare. He was tall, dark, and about as warm as a frozen entrée.

After one too many unpleasant interactions, I was determined to stay out of his way and to keep him out of mine.

But fate had a quirky sense of humor. When Alex inherited his great-aunt’s cranky canine, he had no choice but to come to me, the local dog whisperer, for help. As for me? I needed a fake boyfriend to ward off my ex-husband, who was determined to win me back.

So, we struck a deal: I’d turn his dog into the town's best-behaved pet, and in return, he’d be my arm candy for a few family events and social gatherings. Simple, uncomplicated, and absolutely not romantic—at least, that was what we told ourselves.

As we played house, I couldn't help but notice that underneath Alex’s prickly shell was a dash of charm that wasn't listed in the ingredients. Our pretend dates started to feel a little too real. And our feigned kisses? They were getting laughably close to crossing the line. Suddenly, our interactions felt less like a food fight and more like foreplay.

With every playful touch and lingering glance, I couldn't help but wonder: Was this fake relationship with Alex secretly penning its own authentic ending? Or was I risking it all for someone who was nothing more than make-believe?

My Review

This story was sweet, heart-warming, exactly what I needed right now. Unfortunately I didn't have enough free time and I couldn't find a good book what I enjoyed reading lately. BUT now this book was sooo good for me.

I loved this small town, enemies to lovers, sweet love story. I fell in love with the story, it warmed my heart and I couldn't wait to start reading in the evenings and dive into Yara's and Alex' story.

Yara was a sweet, freshly divorced woman who owned a dog daycare. She helps everyone, and the town love her. The problem was, her ex-husband was the police chief and he made her days awful. He chased away every man who went near Yara, because he still wanted her, so dating was hard for her. I couldn't wait to read about a man who stood up for her. And this man was Alex.  

Alex was grumpy, the total opposite of Yara. He came from a big town and he hated everything about this small town: the chit-chat, the nosy people, everything. 

Because of their difference I loved their encounters, their dialogues, they were funny. The  story became more funny when Alex got a dog and he couldn't do anything with him because the dog "hated him at the first sight". And then came Yara who helped him with the dog. 

It was good to read how their relationship  became stronger slowly. Started with friendship, later fake relationship and when they started pretending they were a couple the feelings deepened. They slowly fell in love with each other. It warmed my heart. 

The story was written in alternate point of views which was a plus for the story because we could read about their real feelings and thoughts. 

I loved reading about how they were slowly falling in love. I loved that they were complex characters, especially Alex. Yara's ex made the story exciting,  Yara's sisters and Alex' dog made it light-hearted, I loved them! 

So this book was simply a light-hearted, sweet love story which was perfect read for an october (or autumn) weekend read. 4.5*



Ez egy szívmelengető, édes történet volt, ami nekem most pont jókor jött, ugyanis mostanában nem sok időm van olvasni, és nem is találtam olyan könyvet, ami lekötötte volna a figyelmemet. De most ez a könyv tökéletes volt számomra.

Egy kisvárosban játszódó, ellenségekből barátok, majd szerelmesek tipusú sztori volt ez, amit nagyon megszerettem, alig vártam, már, hogy este kezembe vehessem a könyvet és elmerüljek Yara és Alex történetében.

Yara egy kedves, frissen elvált nő, akinek van egy kutya napközije. Mindenkinek segít és ezért az egész város szereti. Probléma az exférjével van, aki a rendőrkapitány és pokollá tudja tenni Yara mindennapjait. Konkrétan elüldöz minden pasit Yara körül, így a randizás lehetetlen számára. Alig vártam, hogy valaki szembeszálljon vele és kiálljon Yara mellett. Ez a pasi volt Alex.

Alex egy mogorva, magának való pasi, aki a nagyvárosból érkezett ebbe a kisvárosba, amit egyszerűen utál: a pletykálkodást, jópofizást, a kíváncsiskodást, egyszerűen mindent. Szóval a teljes ellentéte Yarának.

Pont amiatt, hogy ők ilyen különbözőek voltak imádtam a párbeszédeiket, a kis vitáikat, nagyon viccesek voltak. A történet még viccesebb lett, mikor Alex kapott egy kutyát, akivel nem tudott mit kezdeni, mert első ránézésre utálta a kutya. Itt jött a képbe Yara, aki segített neki a kutyával.

Jó volt olvasni, ahogy fokozatosan mélyült el a kapcsolatuk. Először barátság, majd álkapcsolat volt ez, és amikor elkezdték eljátszani hogy egy párt alkotnak, az érzelmeik is változtak szépen lassan. Egymásba szerettek. Jól esett olvasni.

Kettős nézőpontban íródott a sztori, ami egy pluszt adott a könyvnek. Mindig szeretem olvasni mintkét szereplő nézőpontját, mert így jobban átérezhetjük milyen helyzetben vannak, mit éreznek, miket gondolnak.

Szerettem olvasni hogy szerelembe esnek, nagyon jó volt, hogy az írónő komplex karaktereket alkotott, főleg Alex esetében. Yara exférje izgalmasabbá, Yara testvérei és Alex kutyája pedig viccesebbé tették a történetet.

Összességében azt kell mondjam egy egyszerű, könnyed olvasmány volt, tökéletes egy őszi hétvégére. 4.5*

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