I Promise You by Ilsa Madden-Mills


 Dillon McQueen: Babe. I promise. You want me.

Serena Jensen: Um, who are you?
There’s a legend at Waylon University: the first girl you kiss freshman year at the bonfire party is the one you’ll never forget. She’ll crawl under your skin and never leave. She’ll spark a passion so fierce you’ll burn the world down to possess her.
You might even put a ring on it.
As in all things with fate, timing is everything. That kiss can go horribly wrong. She might run in the opposite direction. And boy, did Serena run.
Dillon is Waylon’s hotshot quarterback with something to prove. All he wants is to graduate and make it to the NFL. What he doesn’t need is to finally meet the mystery girl he kissed at the bonfire freshman year. Isn’t it enough that she’s haunted his dreams for more than a thousand nights?
Fate laughs in his face when he runs into the quirky girl at the Piggly Wiggly. Surrounded by his entourage, he’s got all the Oreos in his cart; she gets revenge by buying every six-pack of his favorite beer.
Obviously, that legend is a curse. She’s not his type. She hates him. Worst of all, how can she not remember him when she left a Serena-shaped hole in his heart for the past three years?
So why can’t he stop trying to win her?
Will this quarterback score the girl or make the biggest fumble of his life? 

My Review:

Ohhh I loved this book so much! I devoured it in record time, didn't want to put down.
Perfect college-sport romance. I needed this book right now. 
I loved the characters. Serena and Dillon were amazing together (btw I love the names), they were lovable characters. 
Catharsis is good.The verbal expression of past painful emotions helps smooth over bad memories. It's like the brain merges the original painful memory with the new less painful version of sharing the memory.
I really liked Serena with her problems. She went through a lot, but she was independent, and learnt from her mistakes. I loved how she cared about her grandmother and little sister, she was like a mother to her. I loved her family so much, they were insane! It was good to read the chapters about her family, always made me smile or laugh.
Dillon... I fell for him in the first chapter. He was everything what you want from a bookboyfriend. He was hot of course, kind of a broken hero. He was "superstar" but he was so alone, he didn't really have anyone besides his friends. I loved the connection between the guys, they were real friends they were like brothers.
The fear of risking our hearts is scary.
The book was written in alternate point of views. I loved reading Dillon's thoughts. Because of this we saw that he wasn't always that cool guy we saw on the field or in the clubs, but sometimes he get embarrased. And I loved this side of him too.
Caring for someone, putting yourself out there... It's like a beautiful butterfly in your hand. If you hold really still and try to do everything right, it might stay, but you're going to flinch and when you do, it might fly away.
The plot was exciting, I sometimes couldn't put the book down. 
The truth is, people are never free of baggage, but sometimes you have to take a chance and jump in feet first.
This book is a new favorite for me! 

Grab it now!


Jaj ez a könyv nagyon tetszett! Hihetetlen gyorsan befejeztem, alig bírtam lerakni.

Tökéletes fősulis-sport románc. Most pont ez a könyv kellett nekem.

Nagyon tetszettek a karakterek, Serena és Dillon is szerethetők, és tökéletes párost alkottak. Egyébként a nevük nekem nagyon bejött.

Igazán megkedveltem Serena-t minden problémájával együtt. Nehéz időszakon van túl, de önálló és jó volt olvasni, hogy tanult a hibáiból. Nagyon felelősen viselkedik, gondoskodik a nagymamájáról és a testvéréről, mintha csak az anyja lenne. Imádtam olvasni a családjáról szóló fejezeteket, egy kicsit őrültek az tuti! Mindig mosolyt csaltak az arcomra.

Dillon-ba már a legelején beleestem. Ő egy tökéletes könyves álompasi. Nagyon jól néz ki, sportol, de ugyanakkor egy "sérült" lélek, de lehet nem is ez a legjobb kifejezés rá. Nagyon népszerű, ugyanakkor nagyon egyedül van, ami miatt úúúgy megöleltem volna. Szerencsére ott vannak neki a barátai, akik mintha testvérek lennének.

A könyv kettős nézőpontból íródott, amit imástam. Nagyon jó volt olvasni Dillon gondolatait is, mert így láthattuk, hogy nem az a srác, akinek látszik a pályán, és bulizás során. Nem mindig az a nagymenő, hanem néha például ő is zavarba jön, ami számomra rettentő módon szimpatikus volt.

A cselekmény izgalmas volt, mindig fenntartotta az érdeklődésemet az írónő, valamikor nem is akartam letenni a könyvet.

Új kedvencet avattam!


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