GENTLEMAN SINNER by Jodi Ellen Malpas~Blog Tour & ARC review

Gentleman Sinner by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Release Date: February 5th
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Gentleman Sinner, an all-new standalone contemporary romance by #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Ellen Malpas.
Izzy White knows of the darkness in this world. After all, she escaped it long ago. Determined not to let her past beat her, Izzy has a secure, stable life with a job she loves in nursing. But one act of kindness will completely upend everything she's so carefully built-putting her right back in the crosshairs of danger she's been so desperate to avoid.
When Theo Kane shows up like a knight in shining armor, Izzy can't help thinking she's been saved from one threat and exposed to another. His imposing physique, the harsh lines of his face, and the wariness of everyone who comes close are just a few clues to Theo Kane's notorious reputation. The man is positively terrifying. But with Izzy, he's tender and a complete gentleman, and her fascination with the mysterious beast of a man becomes too powerful for her to walk away.
As Theo's demons come to light, running becomes even more impossible. And yet staying together could doom them both.
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My love for her holds me prisoner
Her faith leaves me in awe
Her hope encourages mine
And her touch reaches my soul
She is my peace
My cure
My love
~Theo Kane~
~From Gentleman Sinner~

My Review:
This book was amazing! I loved this book so much! Top recommendation! I couldn't put it down!
I've just finished it and I'm sad because it ended. I would love to read more about them!💗
With love, happiness and peace should come naturally.
I fell in love with Theo Kane. 💗Until today my favorite JEM character was Jesse Ward, but now I love Theo as much as Jesse. They are similar but different too. He wanted Izzy and he did everything for it, he was stalking her (like Jesse stalked Ava). Theo was a big, muscular frightening man, but Izzy wasn't afraid of him. She  was attracted to him, first in ten years she felt lust, chemistry. Theo seemed to be a cold, influential, dangerous man with guns and illegal businesses. 
Why should I listen to you? (...) Because only those who are unwise do not.
But he was so much more. He had a heart and I loved how he cared about Izzy, he treated her like a queen. 
Whatever you've run away from, Izzy, it can't touch you as long as I'm here.
I liked Izzy too. She went through a lot but she was strong. I loved them together. Izzy was sassy and funny. I really liked her! 
When you give your heart to someone, you're trusting them not to break it.
They both had secrets these made the story more interesting. And the sex scenes were hot. 🔥
The story was written in Izzy's point of view, but the epilogue was written in Theo's POV. I loved it! The epilogue was sooo sweet! 
Congrats Jodi, you made it again! This book became my favorite and I definitely want it on my bookshelf! 
I loved the plot, the characters. Gentleman Sinner is a sweet, sometimes funny and hot angsty romance.
I'm curious if there'll there be a book about Callum? I would love to read his story too! 
I recommend this book to those who loved Jesse Ward. You will love Theo Kane too!!! 
5* Favorite

Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Imádtam, alig tudtam letenni!
Amikor befejeztem a könyvet egy kicsit szomorú voltam azért, mert vége lett. Úgy olvastam volna még erről a párosról!💗
Beleszerettem Theo Kane-be. 💗 Eddig a kedvenc JEM karakterem Jesse Ward volt, de jelentem most már ketten állnak az első helyen, Theo-t ugyanannyira megszerettem, mint Jesse-t. A két pasi sokban hasonlít, de azért néhány dologban különböznek is. Theo meg akarta szerezni Izzy-t, ezért megtett mindent, még követte is (úgy ahogy Jesse Ava-t). Amiben különböznek, hogy Theo egy hatalmas, erős felépítésű, izmos, a többség számára ijesztő férfi, de Izzy nem félt tőle. Sőt! Először tíz év után vonzódott valakihez. Theo egy távolságtartó, befolyásos, veszélyes férfinak tűnt, aki illegális üzletekben utazik. De ő sokkal több volt ennél. Van szíve és igazán törődött Izzy-vel, úgy bánt vele, mint egy királynővel.
Igazán megkedveltem Izzy-t is, aki szörnyű dolgokon ment keresztül, de erős volt, és tovább tudott lépni. Szerettem ezt a párost együtt. Izzy szerethető karakter, vicces és szemtelen.
Mindkét szereplőnek vannak titkai, ez a történetet még izgalmasabbá tette. Az erotikus jelenetek pedig igazán forróak voltak!🔥
A történet Izzy nézőpontjában íródott, de az Epilógusban betekinthettünk Theo gondolataiba is. Az epilógus olyan édes volt! 
Szerettem a történetet, a szereplőket. Gentleman Sinner egy sokszor vicces, forró jelenetekkel tarkított, édes romantikus történet. Nekem nagyon tetszett! Ajánlom!
Kíváncsi vagyok lesz folytatás, olyan szívesen olvasnám Callum történetét! Mindenkinek ajánlom a könyvet, aki szereti Jodi könyveit! Aki szerette Jesse Ward-ot tuti szeretni fogja Theo Kane-t is! 5* Kedvenc!
About Jodi:
Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN – the first book of the This Man Trilogy – in October 2012. She took a chance on the story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of romance.
She was soon signed by Grand Central Publishing, part of the Hachette Book Group, and the third book of the trilogy, This Man Confessed, took Jodi to the top of the bestsellers lists, earning her the proud title of #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. This Man has since been voted one of the top romance novels of all time. With so much love and enthusiasm for her words, Jodi suddenly wasn’t afraid of her imagination anymore and has since let it run riot. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion—a passion she now shares with her devoted readers.
Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her real-life man, her boys, and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a Converse and mojito addict, and has a terrible weak spot for alpha males. Her work is now published in more than twenty-five languages across the world.
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