SOMEONE ELSE'S OCEAN by Kate Stewart ~ BlogTour & ARC Review

We're celebrating the release of  SOMEONE ELSE'S OCEAN by Kate Stewart! One-Click today!!!

Contemporary Romance
Stand Alone
July 31, 2018
Cover Designed by: Amy Queau- Q Design Cover and Premades
The first time I met Ian Kemp in the sparkling blue waters of St. Thomas, I was six years old and we shared a summer beneath the stars.
The second time I met Ian Kemp, he was a shell of the boy I once knew. Turbulent and infuriating, he refused my friendship at every turn. Like me, he was a casualty of life’s cruelty, but we were planets apart. 
We’d both sought refuge on the island, hoping to find our anchor. Instead, we found each other and managed to reclaim our stars...until we both got swept away.

My Review
I love how Kate Stewart writes. I love her style and her stories. I liked this book too. And the cover is so so beautiful! I love it so much!
I'm here living someone else's life, in someone else's house staring at someone else's ocean.
This story was like a real love story. Not a fairytale. It was full of realistic scenes. And I liked this. On the other hand it was a perfect summer read. A man and a woman met on the beach... They both have a house on the beach, with  beautiful sunsets, and calming sounds of the waves... So there was a picturesque beautiful beach, a woman and a man who were friends when they were young. And 15 years later they met again. They felt their connection immediately, their friendship and feelings resurfaced.
"You were a dream" He pressed his lips against my neck and I let out a soft moan. "The most perfect dream"
When they met again Ian was devastated, he went through a hard divorce. He had a beautiful, sweet teenager daughter. I loved their connection. His character was so realistic, I could undrestand what he felt. I understood his behavior too. 
There are no arrows to guide you that help you make one fucking thing simple. Every important decision is complicated because it leads to more decisions. (...) emotions are a horrible catalyst for making decisions that matter. And some choices aren't yours, they float away on a cloud of emotions and come back made for you. Committing to how you feel is a recipe for disaster.
Koti's life in St. Thomas was so so different from her life in New York, she changed a lot.  She had a though life and finally she found her calm in St. Thomas. She was happy, but she was closed off. She didn't really left her house, didn't go out, she wasn't dating. She didn't want to go back to the big city, she couldn't live there because of her problems. I understood her. 
Everyone, at some point in their life, gets lost in their own head, whether it be a low or high point where they are looking down at the path they'd chosen.
While I was reading the story, and reading about how their feelings developed, I was thinking what would happen when Ian have to go back to to the States, when he leave the island.
Ian couldn't live in St. Thomas and Koti couldn't live in a big city....
Love stories aren't always perfect. They can wreak havoc on the heart and distort the soul. I'd gotten lost in love and found the reality at the end of it where I lived in the truth. Not all love stories come with happy endings.
So this book was good, I enjoyed reading it. I recommend this book to those who love Kate Stewart's books. 
Sometimes what's meant to be isn't written in the stars, instead it's a journey on the path less traveled without a map of guidance, without certainty.
And the cover is so beautiful, I love it!
4.5 beautiful stars

Szeretem, ahogy Kate Stewart ir, szeretem a szorijait. Ez a könyv is tetszett. A borító pedig gyönyörű, nagyon  nagyon tetszik!
Ez a sztori olyan volt, mint egy igazi szerelmi történet. Nem egy tündérmese, tele volt olyan jelenetekkel, miket teljesen el tudtam képzelni, hogy megtörténnek a valóságban. És ez tetszett. Másik részről pedig tökéletes nyári olvasmány volt. Mindkettejüknek van egy házuk a tengerparton, ahol élvezhetik a gyönyörű naplementéket és a tenger nyugtató hangját... Tehát adott egy festői tengerpart, egy nő és egy férfi, akik gyerekkorukban barátok voltak. 15 év után újra találkoznak, barátságuk és érzelmeik újra felélednek. Egyből érezni lehetett a köztük lévő kapcsot.
Amikor újra találkoztak Ian teljesen össze volt törve, éppen akkor esett át egy durva váláson. Van egy szép, édes tinédzser lánya. Nagyon tetszett a kettejük közötti kapocs. Ian karaktere nagyon valós volt, teljesen át tudtam élni mit érezhet, a viselkedését is megértettem.
Koti élete St. Thomasban teljesen más volt mint korábbi New Yorki élete. Sokat változott, nehéz élete volt, de minden megváltozott mikor a szigetre jött, megtalálta a nyugalmat és boldog volt. De bezárkózott, nem mozdult ki otthonról, nem élt társasági életet. Nem tudott a nagy városban élni a problémái miatt, ezt megértettem.
Míg olvastam a történetet, végig azon gondolkodtam, hogy mi fog történni akkor ha Ian elmegy. Mert ő nem élhetett St Thomason a lánya miatt, de Koti sem tudott vele menni...
Szóval tetszett a könyv, élveztem olvasni. Ajánlom a könyvet azoknak akiknek tetszik Kate Stewart stílusa, akik szeretik a könyveit. Tőlem a sztori 4.5 szépséges csillagot kap!

About the Author:

A Texas native, Kate Stewart lives in North Carolina with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. She pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. Kate is a lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap. She dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity, and on occasion, does very well at whiskey.

Contact Kate-

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