HUNDREDS by Pepper Winters~Release Blitz & ARC Review


Hundreds, Book Three in the Dollar Series by Pepper Winters, is available now!!


Hundreds by Pepper Winters 

Publication Date: May 2nd, 2017 

Genre: Contemporary Romance

“Elder is the most dangerous man I’ve met. Not because he can hurt me but because he has the power to steal my heart.”
Pimlico used silence as her ultimate shield. But then she was stolen by a thief who became her master and almost-friend. Life will never be innocent again, but perhaps the crimes Elder wants to teach her will keep her nightmares at bay.
Elder thought he could take what he wanted and sell Pim once he was through. However, that was before she did the impossible and stole his last thread of affection.
Now, they have a choice—give in to fate’s odd chemistry or forever remain strangers.
Pim wants Elder’s secrets. Elder wants Pim’s past. To earn such gifts, tasks must be completed, and Pim must do what Elder says—become like him, become a thief—only then will she have the money to buy her freedom.
Release Blitz Teaser

My Review:

"He'd almost destroyed me.
But he hadn't.
And from the ashes, I stood tall."~Pim

What did Pepper Winters again? I LOVED this book! I want more!!! Usually I don't read series just after the last book releases, because I hate waiting. But I made an exception with Pepper's books. because I love her stories! This book wasn't so dark for me, it was more a romantic book. So I felt.
Now I'm addicted to Elder and Pim's story. 
I fell in love with Elder Prest more! I loved him because he did everything for Pim despite his problems. And he has problems, a lot. And I love how strong he was. He had incredible willpower.
"But we'll never know if what we feel could've been anything more than lust. Because you're damaged, and I have no right to damage you further."~Elder 
And why I love Pim too? Because she is a very strong woman. It was good to read about how she moved on from her tragic past. She was a survivor. Thanks to Elder.
There's a lot of struggling. Elder fought himself, because he wanted Pim so much, but he knew that wasn't right. That if he had her, it would be his downfall. 
"But Pim was worth it. She was worth every penny. Even if she cost me everything."~Elder
"Now that I've felt you, I need you so goddamn much my joints hurt because of it. My heart hurts.My body hurts. Everything fucking hurts. Being this close to you is torture..."~Elder 
Pim started to feel. She knew hate but now she started to fall in love. And she started to feel lust, desire. She wanted to be normal woman. But this wasn't easy for her, because her awful, traumatic memories always came back. But Elder was amazing! He healed her. And I respected him for it.
"We were fated for disaster before we'd even begun"
"We couldn't survive together because I fed off his charity and protectiveness while he drowned under my fledgling sexuality and hope."~Pim
"I was fucked up and she was tragic with her history, it would only destroy us. I refused to ruin her progress or mine. I'm better than that"~Elder
This book was an emotional roller coaster. Sometimes I wanted them together, but other times I totally understood them, why they couldn't be in a relationship. Sometimes I wanted to kiss Elder, and wanted him to feel, to let things happen between him and Pim. But the other times I wanted him to let Pim go, because of his problems. Not just for Pim's sake, but for himself too.
"It's because of you. It's because of how fucking much I want you. It's because you tear me up inside. You do things to whatever sick and twisted heart I have left and make me crave things I don't deserve."~Elder
It's not a sweet fairy tale. There are a lot of awful history standing between them. But there were sweet moments too. I love how the author described the feelings between them. I totally felt what the characters felt. A totally fell in love with Elder.
"Elder was my sun, my air, my world."~Pim
"Steal me someting, Pim. After all, you're already stealing something of mine"~Elder
"She might have just stolen a book, but to me... to me, she'd just stolen my heart."~Elder 
 "(...) two people like us can never have forever. We're too broken."
I love how the author uses words, I love her methaphors. And of course I love her mind! How can she fabricate such complex characters?

And the ending was amazing! I want the next book right now!  I want to know what will happen with them! 

Mit csinált már megint Pepper Winters? Szerettem ezt a könyvet is! És többet akarok! Általában nem szoktam sorozatokat olvasni csak ha már az összes része megjelent, mert utálok várni. De Pepper Winters esetében kivételt teszek, mert imádom a  sztorijait! Ez a könyv annyira nem volt durva, annyira 'sötét' szerintem, inkább romantikus volt. Én legalábbis így éreztem.
Most már függővé váltam. Még jobban megszerettem Elder karakterét, mert mindent megtett Pim-ért, a saját problémái ellenére. Pedig volt problémája, nem is kevés. Nagyon tetszett, hogy ennyire erős volt. Nagy akaraterővel rendelkezett, ez szinte hihetetlen volt.
És hogy miért szerettem Pim-et? Mert egy nagyon nagyon erős nőről van szó! Nagyon jó volt olvasni, ahogy a tragikus múltján túltette magát. Egy túlélő volt, köszönheti ezt Eldernek.
Nagyon sok harc, szenvedés volt a történetben. Egyrészt szenvedett Elder, mert akarta Pim-et, de tudta, hogy ez nem helyes. Mert ha megkapja akkor az a vesztét okozza.
Pim elkezdett érezni. Eddig csak a gyűlöletet ismerte, de most már kezdte megismerni a szerelmet is. De kezdett mást is érezni: szenvedélyt, vágyat. Normális, hétköznapi nő akart lenni, de ez nem volt egyszerű, mert mindig előjöttek a múlt traumatikus emlékei. de Elder fantasztikus volt. Gyógyította Pimet, és én ezért nagyon tiszteltem.
Ez a könyv egy érzelmi hullámvasút volt. Egyszer együtt akartam látni őkat, másik pillanatban meg megértettem, miért nem lehetnek együtt. Volt, hogy meg akartam csókolni Eldert, azt akartam, hogy érezzen, hogy engedje el magát, engedjen a vágynak, de máskor azt akartam, hogy engedje el Pimet. Nemcsak  Pim érdekében, hanem a saját magáért is.
Ez nem egy rózsaszín tündérmese. Szörnyű dolgok állnak kettejük közé. De voltak nagyon szép pillanatok a történetben. Nagyon tetszett, ahogy az írónő leírta az érzelmeket. Teljesen átéltem, átéreztem mindazt, amit a szereplők éreztek. Teljesen belezúgtam Elder-be.
Imádom az írónő stílusát, a hasonlatait. És persze az eszét! Hogy tud ilyen összetett karaktereket megalkotni?
ÉS a vége fantasztikus volt! Máris akarom a következő könyvet! Tudni akarom hogy alakul a sorsuk!

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About the Author:

Pepper Winters is a multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today International Bestseller. After chasing her dreams to become a full-time writer, Pepper has earned recognition with awards for best Dark Romance, best BDSM Series, and best Hero. She’s an multiple #1 iBooks bestseller, along with #1 in Erotic Romance, Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, and Erotica Thriller. With 19 books currently published, she has hit the bestseller charts twenty-six times in three years. Pepper is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work. Her Pure Corruption Series was released by Grand Central, Hachette. Her books have garnered foreign interest and are currently being translated into numerous languages, including already released titles in Italian and Turkish. Audio Books for her entire back-list will be available in 2017.

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Twitter: @PepperWinters
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