KALEIDOSCOPE HEARTS/Üvegszív by Claire Contreras

Series: Hearts #1
He was my older brother's best friend. 

He was never supposed to be mine. 
I thought we would get it out of our system and move on.

One of us did. 

One of us left.

Now he’s back, looking at me like he wants to devour me. And all those feelings I’d turned into anger are brewing into something else, something that terrifies me. 

He broke my heart last time. 
This time he'll obliterate it.

My Review
I LOVE this book so much! And I have a new bookboyfriend! I LOVE Oliver!!!💗💗💗 The writing was amazing! I couldn't put it down. I needed this book so much right now. It's a beautiful love story, a second chance romance.
"Every second counts. Live in this moment. This is life. This is what matters.” 
 "You can try to steer your life in a certain direction all you want, but ultimately, the wind is in charge of your sail.”
Oliver and Victor is best friends. Victor is Elle's brother. Oliver and Victor like brothers. They have a lot of fun together. Elle's parents treat Oliver like family. He stays a lot of time with them, in their house, so he knows Elle well. But then when Elle become 16, she isn't a little girl anymore and Oliver starts to look at her like a woman, not a girl. They became friends, but nobody knew about it. And then they started fooling around, and finally they slept together. But they didn't become a pair. Nobody knew about their 'affair' . Victor would kill Oliver if he knew, because Oliver is a player, loves women, but can't be in a relationship. He concentrate on his study, profession. So he left her behind.
"It’s a heart. They always break at some point. Sooner or later someone will come along and shatter it anyway—might as well be you.”
 “The difference is that it’s already broken, but I use the pieces to rebuild it. The difference is that the heart has a second chance, and maybe it’ll get broken again, but it’s already shattered, so maybe the fall won’t be as bad.” 
They met again a few years later. Elle had a rough year, but when she met Oliver again, she started to feel again. 
“... sometimes in order to move forward you have to let go of the past, even if it hurts. Especially if it hurts,” 
They had chemistry. And they started everything from the beginning again. 
 “The longer you mourn, the less you live, and you know how short our time here can be.”
  “There’s no point in believing in destiny if you’re too stubborn to give in to it.” 
Sometimes we give up a lot of ourselves for the people we love, (...) It's hard knowing when to stop doing that, because you feel like if you love someone, you should be okay giving things up for them."
“Sometimes we let the first ones get away, but it teaches us to cherish the second ones that much more."
I fell in love with Oliver!💗 I know he was an idiot, he made mistakes in the past, but now he is grown up, and regret his mistakes. He is a doctor, his patients are children. How can we not love him??? A sexy doctor? 😍
 “This is life. This is what happens when you stop living in the moment. People grow up. They change, they move on, and you find yourself wishing you had looked up in time to walk with them."
I liked them together. I already wrote that I loved Oliver and I have to tell you that Elle is a likeable character too. She is so real. The author created perfect characters. I loved to read their conversations, I liked how they were flirting with each other. 
I love the title and the cover! Elle is an artist, she makes hearts from broken glass, hence the book's title.
 “The hearts I make are shattered, but whole. They’re kaleidoscopes that beam under the sun. They signify hope in love when you’ve lost it because, like love, you can look at a kaleidoscope a thousand different ways and find something new every time. Shattered or not, if you look carefully enough, you’ll find something beautiful in them, and all beautiful things are a little broken.” 

So I liked the story very much! Who loves second chance romance should read this book! I know this is a standalone, but now I'm curious about the other two guy's story!

Én nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet!Annyira élveztem! SZERETEM Olivert!💗💗💗
Oliver és Victor a legjobb barátok. Victor Elle testvére. Victor és Oliver olyanok egymásnak mintha testvérek lennének. Sok mindent átéltek együtt. Elle szülei családtagként kezelik Olivert. Sok időt tölt a családnál, a házukban, szóval jól ismeri Ellet. De amikor Elle 16 éves lesz, már nem kislány többé, és Oliver is nőként tekint már rá, nem lányként. Barátok lesznek, de erről nem tud senki. Aztán elkezdenek kavarni egymással, összejönnek és végül lefekszenek egymással. De nem lesznek egy pár. Senki sem tud az afférjukról. Ha Victor tudná, megölné Olivert, mert Oliver nagy játokos, szerti a nőket, de nem tud kapcsolatban élni. Ő a tanulásra és a szakmájára koncentrál, és elhagyja Ellet.
Pár évvel később újra találkoznak. Elle nehéz éven van túl, de mikor találkoznak, újra elkezd érezni. Vonzódnak egymáshoz. És mindent kezdenek elölről, újra.
Beleszerettem Oliverbe! 💗Tudom egy idióta volt, a múltban hibákat követett el, de most már felnőtt, megbánta a hibáit. Doktor, ráadásul gyerekekkel foglalkozik. Hogy ne lehetne szeretni? Egy szexi dokit? 😍
Szerettem ezt a párost! Azt már írtam, hogy Olivert megszerettem, de el kell mondjam, hogy Elle is szimpatikus karakter. Ő olyan valóságos.Az írónő nagyon jó karaktereket teremtett! Szerettem olvasni a párbeszédjeiket, és szerettem ahogy flörtölnek egymással!
Nagyon tetszik az eredeti borító és a cím is találó. Elle művész, törött üvegből készít szív szobrokat, innen a könyv címe.

Szóval nagyon tetszett a történet! Tudom hogy egy önálló sztori és a többi része már nem erről a párosról szól de most nagyon kíváncsi lettem a két másik srác történetére is!
A könyv itthon, Magyarországon is megjelent Üvegszív címmel a WOW Kiadónál. Nagyon ajánlom!

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