COMMANDER IN CHIEF by Katy Evans~BlogTour & ARC Review

Commander in Chief by Katy Evans
Series: White House #2
Publication Date: January 5th, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance


The sizzling second installment of the White House series, by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Evans.

We fell in love during the campaign.
The stakes were high.
Reputations could have been ruined.
Scandal hovered over us like a cloud.
Now the man I love is the President of the United States of America.
And its not my vote he is after.
He wants it all.
My heart. My body. My soul.
He wants me by his side.
In the White House.
Normalcy will be gone from my life, privacy forgotten.
I am only twenty three. I just wanted to play a part in history. But it seems like history wasn't done with me. The part where I lost my heart to Matthew Hamilton? It was only the beginning…

My Review:
This is a beautiful fairy tale, about a hot, smart, powerful president and a sweet, beautiful normal woman.
I love all of the author's books, but I think this book is her best! The style, the writing is fantastic. She created amazing characters. I loved the names. Matthew  is perfect for president, and Charlotte is perfect for a First Lady. 
"(...) no matter how strong the love, relationships are always tested. Boundaries are pushed, some promises broken, and dissapointments happen. That's just life. No road is ever prfectly smooth or straight. But I also know ... that love is a choice. Sometimes the hardest choice of all."
Matt Hamilton became my number1 bookboyfriend! 💗 He is a 'perfect' man. I could look up for him, he was respectful. I loved him because he really wanted to give everything he could to the country, he even wanted to give up love, give up Charlotte. 
"(...) the man has red, white, and blue running in his veins. American royalty: the country's new commander in chief."
But thanks God he couldn't stay away long! 😊He wanted Charlotte in the White House, wanted her beside him. But he had doubts. He didn't want to be like his father, he didn't want to neglect Charlotte. He wanted to make her happy.
"She makes me want to be the best man I can be"~Matt
"We need to discuss how you feel about me running. And I need you to be honest with  me, honest in ways my mother never was with my father"~Matt
Charlotte was young, only 22. But she had purpose, she didn't just want to support her president, but she wanted changes. She wanted to help generate a better education for example. First she was afraid of her role as a First Lady, and I totally understand her. It's not like she started dating with a powerful, rich CEO, she was dating with the President, the most powerful man in the country. I understood her fears, her doubts. Living as a First Lady in the White House with the President isn't a average life, it was an extraordinary life. I didn't know how I would live like that. I would have doubts too.
"I love you. You know that." (...) Yes, But I'm still unsure of how much. Immeasurably, you've said. What is that even?" (...) "It means there's no metric system, no measurement, there's no beginning to it, and no end."
I recommend this book those who love Katy Evans' books. It's the best book from the author. 
"Love can be passionate, wild, consuming, mesmerizing. It cathes you in the wake of what seems to be an ordinary life and it turns it upside down until you are fully living with every cell, every pore, every atom in your body. It makes you live life to its fullest potential. Love heightens all your emotons, until your past life looks like you were living on mute, like you were living with senses that were partly numbed. This awakening to experiencing everything to its fullest potential is what makes life the most joyful and blissful experience and also the most painful one."

My Review: 
Ez a történet egy csodálatos tündérmese egy szexi okos elnökről és egy édes, szép hétköznapi nőről.
Az írónő összes könyvét szeretem, de szerintem ez a legjobb könyve. A stílusa, az írásmódja fantasztikus. Csodálatos karaktereket alkotott. És nagyon tetszenek a nevek. Matthew tökéletes egy elnök számára, Charlotte pedig tökéletes név egy First Ladynek.
Matt hamilton let a elsőszámú bookboyfriend számomra! 💗 Tökéletes pasi, fel tudok nézni rá, tiszteletet érdemel. Szerettem a karakterét, mert mindent meg akart tenni a hazája érdekében amit csak tudott, még a szerelmet, még Charlotte-t is feláldozta volna.
De hála Istennek, nem tudott tőle sokáig távol maradni. Azt akarta, hoyg Charlotte is a Fehérházban legyen mellette. De voltak kételyei. Nem akart olyan lenni mint az apja, nem akarta elhanyagolni Charlotte-ot. Boldoggá akarta tenni.
Charlotte fiatal, csak 22 éves. Vannak céljai, nem csak támogatni akarja az elnököt, hanem ő is akart változásokat előidézni. Például egy jobb oktatási rendszert. Először félt a Filst Lady-kénti szerepétől, és teljesen megértem miért. Nem olyan mintha, egy hatalommal bíró, gazdag cégvezetővel randizna, hanem ő az Elnökkel randizik, az ország legnagyobb hatalommal bíró emberével. Teljesen együtt éreztem vele, átéreztem a kételyeit, a félelmét. First Lady-ként élni a Fehérházban az Elnökkel nem átlagos, eléggé rendkívüli. Nem tudom, hogy élnék ilyen körülmények között. Biztos nekem is lennének félelmeim, kételyeim.
Mindenkinek ajánlom a könyvet, aki szereti Katy Evans könyveit. Szerintem ez a legjobb könyve.

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Mr. President, Book 1

About the Author:

Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 9 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.

Connect with the Author:

Twitter @authorkatyevans

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