A Stone in the Sea by A.L. Jackson

Series: Bleeding Stars #1
He wanted nothing at all…
Until he found she had everything to give…
Sunder lead singer and guitarist Sebastian Stone has everything—fans, fame, and fortune. He also has a heart full of bitterness and a reputation for a short-fused temper. But an outward reputation rarely reveals the true man inside. Facing assault charges after trying to protect his younger brother, Sebastian is sent to Savannah, Georgia to lie low until the dust settles in L.A.
Shea Bentley is beautiful, kind, and hiding from the very lifestyle Sebastian has always embraced.
When the mysterious, tattooed stranger begins hanging out at the bar where she works, Shea is quick to recognize he is nothing but trouble, but she's helpless to the way her body lights up every time his intense gray eyes tangle with hers.
They both soon find themselves drowning in a sea of desire and passion that won’t let them up for air.
Sebastian knows firsthand secrets never die, and he’s not the only one who’s hiding them.
Loving someone always comes with a price. But will it be Shea’s past that costs them everything?

My Review:

I wanted to read a book about a rockstar. This book was on my TBR, but I waited because I knew it ended with a cliffhanger. I waited so I could read the two books together.
Annnndd I liked it! 
Shea is a simple girl, a very likeable character. She is beautiful and love her daughter. She does everything for her of course. Because of her she has difficulties with dating. I could totally understand her. But she met Sebastian, and she didn't feel like this before. They have chemistry, but I liked that their relationship developed slowly.
Sebastian was a real rockstar. He used drogs, sinned, had a lot of sex with random women. But something happened with him, and he changed. What I loved about him, that he did everything for his family (his little brother) and his bandmates/friends. He knew he should leave Shea alone, because she needed someone who was better than him. But he couldn't resist her.
Shea couldn't resist him either, but she knew that he was going to hurt her
"He was both the sun and the darkest night. A promise of heaven and the course of hell."
"Where there's beauty, there's also pain." 
"But I guess when you loved someone, you were willing to accept all the pieces and factors and fragments that made them up, the sum of those adding up to the whole, and you were left with no choice but to wholly accept the total of that creation." 
Sebastian started feeling.  His feelings were new to him. He was falling in love with Shea and her daughter too.
"I didn't know what it really meant to miss someone until I was missing you."
This relationship suprised Sebastian's bandmates too. And I loved them!!! 
"Ash and Lyrik were giving me looks that shouted, What the hell have you gotten yourself into and oh dude you are most defenitely screwed
"Austin, come meet my girl" And fuck if everyone's heads didn't about explode just for the fact I said it aloud. 
They lived a totally different life. So I was curious how they could reconcile their lives.
I liked this book, and now I'm going to start the second book in the series. But I also curious about Lyrik! 

Egy rocksztárról szóló könyvet akartam olvasni. Már régóta a várólistámon volt ez a könyv, de vártam, vele, hogy együtt tudjam olvasni az első két részét a sorozatnak, mert tudtam, hogy az első rész függővégű.
Éééés tetszett! 
Shea egy egyszerű lány, egy szimpatikus, szerethető karakter. Nagyon szép, és nagyon szereti a kislányát. Természetesen megtesz mindent érte. Miatta nehézségei vannak randizás terén. Teljesen meg tudom érteni őt. De találkozik Sebastiannal és még soha nem érzett így korábban. Nagyon vonzódnak egymáshoz, nagyon szerettem azt, hogy a kapcsolatuk lassan, fokozatosan alakult ki.
Sebastian egy igazi rockszár. Drogozott, bűnözött, sok ismeretlen nővel feküdt le, de valami történt vele, és megváltozott. Amit szerettem benne, hogy mindent megtesz a családjáért ( a testvéréért), a banda tagjaiért, barátaiért. Tudja, hogy hagynia kéne Shea-t, mert jobbat érdemel nála, de nem tud ellenállni neki. Shea se tud ellenállni neki, pedig tudja, hogy meg fogja bántani őt Sebastian.
Sebastian elkezdett érezni. Ezek az érzések újak voltak számára. Beleszeretett Sheába és kislányába is. Ez a kapcsolat meglepte Sebastian bandájának tagjait is, és én imádtam őket! :D
Teljesen eltérő életet élnek, és kíváncsi voltam, hogy tudják összeegyeztetni azokat.
Szóval tetszett a könyv, és most kezdem a második részt. De ugyanakkor kíváncsi vagyok nagyon Lyrik történetére is!

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