Anti Stepbrother by Tijan

Arrogant. Smug. Alpha.
He was also to-die-for gorgeous,
and my stepbrother’s fraternity brother.

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He told me to 'settle, girl.'
He asked if 'something was wrong with me?'
He said I was an ‘easy target.’
That was within minutes when I first met Caden Banks.
I labeled him an *sshole, but he was more than that. Arrogant. Smug. Alpha.
He was also to-die-for gorgeous, and my stepbrother’s fraternity brother.
Okay, yes I was a little naive, a tad bit socially awkward, and the smallest amount of stalker-ish, but if Caden Banks thought he could tell me what to do, he had another thing coming.
I came to college with daydreams about being with my stepbrother, but what would happen if I fell for the anti-stepbrother instead?

He wasn’t looking at me any more. I wasn’t even sure he was really in the room.
I needed to leave this alone. He had given me the clues—looking away, his jaw clenching, pain like I’d never heard from him sounding loud and clear. My instincts were telling me to shut up, but I couldn’t. I had this burning need to know more about Caden. I needed to get in there, past his walls, and I wanted to understand him.
I wanted to help him.
Caden was hurting, and I wanted to take that away.
“What happened?”
Caden turned his gaze to me now, and I felt branded by the pain I saw. His eyes were stricken. “Does it matter?”
“No.” My breath caught and held in my chest. I wanted to go to him, but I also wanted to slink away. I was stirring up his pain, but I had to know. “What happened, Caden?”
“Why do you have to know?”
“Because it’s hurting you.”
I made a decision, though I had no idea what the ramifications were going to be. I stood, my legs going numb and my stomach clenching, and I moved to his side. He leaned back, his head falling to the couch, and he watched me.
The need to ease some of his hurt outweighed the fear of what would happen next. Swallowing tightly, I stepped over to straddle him and sat down.
“What are you doing?”
He asked that softly, still holding his beer. I took it from his hands and put it on the stand next to the couch. Then I just sat there. He had to do the rest. I’d already made the first move.
I glanced down at his hands, feeling like an idiot. “What happened?”
“Why are you pushing this?”
I looked back up to find confusion warring with need in his eyes. He wasn’t pushing me away, so I sank further into his lap.
“You haven’t told anyone else about this.” It wasn’t really a question, but I saw the confirmation in his eyes. My chest tightened, thinking about whatever secret he held. “Please tell me.”
“No.” He shifted forward, and I braced myself, expecting him to push me away. He didn’t. His hands grasped the backs of my legs and lifted me so I was more fully on his lap.
I could feel him between my legs, and my breasts almost pressed against his chest. I waited. I wanted to see what else he’d say
“But not because I don’t want you to know,” he added. “Because it’s not my secret to tell.”
I nodded, my stomach doing somersaults now. “That makes sense. I can respect that.”
And there we were. His hands cupped my ass, and the pain in his gaze became something darker, something I felt too, something that began to turn off all rational thought.
“What are we doing here?” he questioned, his voice like a caress in itself.
I leaned forward, my gaze lingering on his lips. “I didn’t really think it through.”
“And now?”
“Still not thinking it through.”
“You’re okay with that?”
In that moment, the truth exploded in me. I wanted him. I wanted this—but it was more. I needed this.
I didn’t answer.
I closed the distance between us.

My Review:
My new favorite book! It was my first book from Tijan. I don't know why! I LOVED it! I finished it in record time!
Summer is a funny girl. She has a crush on her step-brother, Kevin. Kevin is every girl's dream, everyone wants him. I liked Summer, she was fun. She wasn't popular in high-school. Now she is in college. I liked that she changed, started to live. She wanted to be with Kevin. She loved him. I liked that she wasn't a meek, virgin girl.
"I knew I wouldn't be a nobody for long. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that or not. Girls who were somebody were also targets. Maybe I still wanted to be a nobody?"
 I didn't really like Kevin. But he made me curious. I can imagine what Summer felt. He was hot, every girl's dream. He was popular in school. She was a nobody. Then one night they slept together. Everything changed for Summer. She knew that Kevin is a manwhore, and always has a girlfriend, but he is a cheater too. She hoped he could change (for her). She couldn't help, she loved him... or she thought.
"(...) you can't control who you love"
Honestly first I hoped that he was able to change. I waited for him to change because of Summer.
But then I read about Caden... *sigh* I loved him from the first time!
By the way I love this name. CADEN. 
Caden is an arrogant alpha with tattoos. He was the 'leader' in the fraternity. Every girl wets her underwear because of him. But he isn't screwing around, and I loved him because of this! He became Summer's friend. They were good friends to each other, but they had chemistry too. They attracted to each other. And I couldn't wait to read about how they fall for each other. The more I read about Caden the more I loved him, and the less I liked Kevin. 
And at this point I didn't know what I would want. Finally be with Kevin or be with Caden? Because Caden was perfect for Summer. They were good friends. But what if she really had feelings, real feelings for Kevin? What if he changed? And what if she choose Caden and he doesn't want a relationship with her?

"If anyone's the fairy tale, it's you."
"Fairy tales end, Summer. Fairy tales aren't real."
"But you are. You're real life. You're real."

I loved this book. This book became favorite! And Caden became my new favorite bookboyfriend! So I recommend this book to those who love NA books, and love reading about hot, tattood alpha males!

Új kedvenc könyv!!! Ez az első könyvem az írónőtől. Nem tudom miért! Imádtam! Rekord idő alatt befejeztem!
Summer egy vicces lány. Odavan a mostohatestvéréért, Kevinért. Kevin minden lány álma,mindenki őt akarja. Kedveltem Summert, ő humoros, nem volt túl népszerű a gimiben. Már fősulin van, és tetszett ahogy változott, elkezdett élni. Szerette Kevint, vele akart lenni. Tetszett, hogy nem egy szende szűz lányka volt.
Nem igazán szerettem Kevint, de kíváncsivá tett. El tudom képzelni mit érezhetett Summer. Szexi volt, minden csaj álma. Népszerű a suliban. Summer pedig nem volt senki. Aztán egy nap lefeküdtek. Ezután minden megváltozott Summer számára. Tudta, hogy Kevin sokat csajozik, mindig van barátnője, de azt is tudta, hogy egy mindig megcsalja őket. Azt remélte, hogy Kevin meg tud változni (érte). Nem tehetett róla, szerelmes volt belé.... legalábbis azt hitte.
Őszintén szólva először azt reméltem, hogy Kevin meg fog változni. Vártam, hogy megváltozzon Summer miatt.
De aztán olvastam Cadenről... *sóhaj* Egyből beleszerettem!
Apropó imádom ezt a nevet. CADEN.
Caden egy arrogáns tetovált alfa. Caden az egyik diákszövetség 'vezetője'. Minden csajnak nedves lesz a bugyija tőle. De ő nincs fűvel-fával, és ez nagyon tetszik benne! Summer barátja lesz. Jó barátok lesznek, de van közöttük kémia. Vonzódtak egymáshoz, és már alig vártam, hogy egymásba szeressenek. Minél többet olvastam Cadenről annál jobban szerettem őt és annál kevésbé kedveltem Kevint.
És ezen a ponton már nem igazán tudtam mit akarnék. Végre Kevinnel lenni, vagy Cadennel? Caden tökéletes volt Summernek. Jó barátok voltak. De mi van akkor ha tényleg vannak érzései, igazi érzései Kevin iránt? Mi van akkor ha megváltozott? És mi van akkor, ha Cadent választja de ő nem akar kapcsolatot vele?
Imádtam ezt a könyvet! Ez a könyv kedvenc lett, és Caden bekerült a kedvenc könyves pasijaim közé! Szóval ajánlom ezt a könyvet azoknak, akik szeretik az NA könyveket és szeretnek szexi, tetovált alfa pasikról olvasni!

Author Information

I didn't begin writing until after undergraduate college. There'd been storylines and characters in my head all my life, but it came to a boiling point one day and I HAD to get them out of me. So the computer was booted up and I FINALLY felt it click. Writing is what I needed to do. After that, I had to teach myself how to write. I can't blame my teachers for not teaching me all those years in school. It was my fault. I was one of the students that was wishing I was anywhere but at school! So after that day, it took me lots of work until I was able to put together something that resembled a novel. I'm hoping I got it right since someone must be reading this profile! And I hope you keep enjoying my future stories.

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