A Thousand Boy Kisses by Tillie Cole

One kiss lasts a moment. 
But a thousand kisses can last a lifetime.
One boy. 
One girl. 
A bond that is forged in an instant and cherished for a decade. 
A bond that neither time nor distance can break. 
A bond that will last forever. 
Or so they believe. 
When seventeen-year-old Rune Kristiansen returns from his native Norway to the sleepy town of Blossom Grove, Georgia, where he befriended Poppy Litchfield as a child, he has just one thing on his mind. Why did the girl who was one half of his soul, who promised to wait faithfully for his return, cut him off without a word of explanation? 
Rune’s heart was broken two years ago when Poppy fell silent. When he discovers the truth, he finds that the greatest heartache is yet to come.

My Review:
This book is the most beautiful book I've ever read. It broke my heart but I loved it. It's a beautifully written story. It was my first book from Tillie Cole, but not the last. (recently I write this a lot :D )
This book was on my TBR list a long time ago. Last week I won an e-book of my choice. So I chose this book and didn't regret it! But now I want it on my bookshelf! I love the cover! This cover fits perfectly to the story! 
"(...) because sometimes all we get are moments. There are no do-overs; whatever happens in a moment defines life—perhaps it is life."~Rune
"Live hard, love harder. Chase dreams, seek adventures … capture moments. Live beautifully.” 
It's hard to write a review about the book without spoilers. And it's hard because it's not a light reading. It broke my heart, and sometimes I was sobbing while I was reading. I was a mess when I finished the book. I finished it midnight, and at 1 am I still couldn't fall asleep. 

Poppy and Rune met when they were 5 years old. They became best friends, then fell in love. But Rune had to go back to Norway with his family, when they were fifteen. They promised that they would wait faithfully to each other. But something happened. Poppy cut him off. Both of them were devastated without each other. They missed each other so much.
Two years later Rune came back, but he changed a lot. The distance from Poppy, Poppy's silence made him angry, and moody. 
"I let in the pain. I let in the darkness that you created. As a year came and went, and my letters and messages went unanswered, I let the pain take hold of me until there was nothing left of the old Rune."~Rune
"At that moment, I hated myself. Because that look in his eyes, that haunted, gutting stare, was the reason I had broken my promise to him two years ago. It was why I'd had to set him free. As it turned out, I had only emprisoned him with bars of rage instead."~Poppy 
But when they met again, the old Rune slowly came back. And Poppy's big secret came to light. 
"I cried for the boy who was my sun. I mourned the boy I once loved with everything I had. I mourned Poppy and Rune-a couple of extreme beauty and even quicker death."~Poppy
"Being loved by Rune brought the heady sensation of warmth. Being hated by Rune was like standing on an arctic ice shelf."~Poppy 
Their love is beautiful. This story was beautiful. I loved Poppy, she always lived a full life, enjoyed life's little pleasures. 

I admired Poppy that she was happy despite what happened to her. She was so strong. And Rune was a strong guy too. I loved him because he was beside Poppy when she needed him the most, and he did beautiful things for her. They were soul mates. 
"Poppy and Rune. Two halves of the same whole. Reunited at last. When it matters most."
"I heard her laughter following behind. Only something that pure could chase away the darkness in my heart."~Rune 
"Our kiss may have been a middle finger to anyone who didn't want us together, but her smile was a middle finger to the darkness in my soul."~Rune 
 "Poppymin. Rune's perfect name for me. My Poppy. His girl. For infinity. Forever always."
I loved the book, but I had mixed feelings about the Epilogue. I think the book would be whole without it, because the previous chapter ended perfectly. 
I had to take breaks while I was reading this story. I waited till the kids went to bed, and I could be alone. 
Soooo BUY IT!!!! WARNING: Don't read it in public! 

"You carried me. In my hardest times, when I couldn't walk... you carried me through."~Poppy

PS: And now while I'm writing the review and going through the highlighted quotes, I 'm crying again....

Ez volt a legszebb könyv, amit valaha olvastam. Összetörte a szívem, de nagyon szerettem. Egy nagyon szépen megírt történet. Ez volt az első könyvem Tillie Cole írónőtől, de nem az utolsó (mostanában ezt a mondatot sokszor írom :D).
Már régóta a kívánságlistámon volt a könyv. Múlt héten nyertem egy e-bookot, melyet én választhattam ki. Választásom erre a könyvre esett, és nem bántam meg. Most azt akarom, hogy a polcomon díszelegjen! nagyon tetszik a borító, nagyon illik a történethez.
Nehéz értékelést írni erről a könyvről anélkül nehogy spoilerezzek. Nehéz értékelést írni azért is, mert ez nem egy könnyed olvasmány. Összetörte a szívem, és olvasás közben előfordult, hogy zokogtam. Egy roncs voltam mikor befejeztem a könyvet. Éjfélre olvastam el, de hajnal egykor még nem tudtam elaludni.
Poppy és Rune öt éves korukban találkoztak. Először legjobb barátok lettek, majd egymásba szerettek. De Rune vissza kellett hogy menjen Norvégiába a családjával, amikor 15 évesek voltak. Megfogadták, hogy hűségesen várni fognak egymásra. De valami történt. Poppy minden szálat elvágott. Összetörtek egymás nélkül, hiányoztak egymásnak.
Két évvel később Rune visszatért. A Poppy nélküli élet, a köztük lévő távolság megváltoztatta Rune-t. Mérges, mélabús lett.
Aztán találkoztak, és lassan visszatért a régi Rune. Majd Poppy nagy titkára is fény derült...
A szerelmük gyönyörű, ahogy ez a történet is gyönyörű. Szerettem Poppy karakterét, mindig teljes életet élt, élvezte az élet apró örömeit. Csodálom Poppy-t, hogy boldog tudott lenni, mindannak ellenére ami vele történt. Erős csaj. Rune is erős srác, és őt is nagyon szerettem, mert Poppy mellett állt, amikor szüksége volt rá, és nagyon szép dolgokat tett érte. Igazi lelki társak.
Szerettem a könyvet, de vegyes érzéseim vannak az Epilógussal kapcsolatban. Úgy gondolom, hogy a könyv teljes lett volna nélküle, mert a megelőző fejezet tökéletesen ért véget.
Olvasás köben szüneteket kellett tartanom. Megvártam, míg a gyerekek lefeküdtek és egyedül tudtam lenni.
Tehát, VEGYÉTEK! Figyelmeztetés: Ne olvassátok nyilvános helyen!

UI: És most, mialatt írom az értékelést és átmegyek a kiemelt idézeteken megint sírok...

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