Changing Course by Aly Martinez

Series: Wrecked and Ruined 1

I met Sarah Kate Erickson when I was twenty-one years old. I was lucky enough to keep her for seven years before a tragic accident stole her from me. She didn’t die, but sometimes I think it would have been easier if she had.
I lived in a haze for those four years after the accident. Catering to her every need, even though she hated the very sight of my face. I tried to hold on to her and the future that we were supposed to build together. But you can’t hold on to someone who doesn’t exist anymore.
It wasn’t until I met Jesse Addison, a barista at the local coffee shop, that I realized I didn’t just lose Sarah that tragic night, I lost myself as well. Jesse taught me how to let go of the past and learn to love again. But what happens when your past haunts your present, and the woman you used to love refuses to accept the woman you can’t live without?

My Review:

I couldn't put this book down!!! I loved it so much! This is a story about heartbreak, lost love, how to begin a new life, how to feel again. 
The first part of the book is written in Brett Sharp's POV, when he was 21 and met a sexi, blonde woman, named Sarah. They fell in love, they were inseperable, everything was perfect. Brett told us the story, how he fell in love, how he asked her to marry him, how perfect was Sarah. And then there was an accident. Sarah's best friend died, and Sarah lost herself. Brett knew that she lost her wife. She was alive, but she wasn't the sexy, funny woman he fell in love. But he hold on to Sarah for years, he never stopped caring about her. He didn't want to divorce, he was waiting for the old Sarah to returrn. 
"Years spent holding on to hope that, one day, I would get my wife back. (...) I lost my wife, but she lost herself."~Brett
"At some point, you have to cut your losses and walk away, but I can't seem to convince myself that the fiery woman who used to own my heart is a complete loss."~Brett 
He became a detective, YES a sexy detective! Four years later he met Jesse and went on a date with her...
Jesse was working in a coffee shop. She met Brett there. Actually she asked him out on a date. Then they started dating. Jesse knew about Sarah, and through the months she met her. 
Jesse had doubts about this relationship between her and Brett. I understand Jesse. She knew he cared about Sarah, and she understand him. He didn't want to leave Sarah alone, because she didn't have anyone. But what if he was still in love with her? Sarah didn't want to be with Brett. But what if she changed her mind and want him back? Will Brett stay with Jesse or go back to Sarah? SO I understand her, She was in a difficult situation. 
"I thought you were moving on from this, but I think we can all see now that you are still stuck, rooted in a past that you will never be able to reclaim."~Jesse
But Brett was in a difficult situation too. He couldn't stop caring about Sarah. He wanted her back  for years, just wanted her wife back. But something changed when he met Jesse. He started to feel again, but he was affraid of these feelings. He couldn't commit to anyone. He was still a married man, and he didn't know how to let his wife go. I understand him too. He was a good guy. 
"When I’m with you, the world goes silent.” ~Brett
"I want to make your world go silent."~ Jesse 
"These last few days have been an awakening. I now see the sun behind the fog, and it's damn good feeling. (...) Maybe one day, the fog will disappear, leaving only sunny days ahead." ~Brett 
"I may not be able to give up on her as a person, but I can finally let my Sarah go."~Brett
"The fog wanished last night. It's nothing but you, me and clear skies from here on out."~Brett 
But I couldn't understand Sarah, I knew she changed because of the accident, because of her guilt, and because her brain was injured. Because of this, I'm curious about her book.
"I swear to you, life won't always hurt this much. One day, the sun will appear, and when it does, I promise you won't want to miss it."~Brett to Sarah
I loved Jesse and Brett together. First Jesse was a shy woman, then she changed because of Brett. I loved how she wanted to lie about something embarrassing thing, and couldn't because Brett was a detective, and could read her easily. :)  I loved how Brett explained his situation to Jesse's family, not to made her feel uncomfortable, when her brother assaulted him. And I loved Brett's family! I loved how they accepted Jesse in the family. The second part of the book is written in alternate POV, so we knew not just Bretts but Jesse's thoughts too. I liked it so much.
"After all of the hell we have been through, we know how rock bottom feels. but when you find happiness again, those lows only make the highs even higher."~Brett

"Do you hear that, gorgeous?"
"Hear what? "
"The silence"
Nem tudtam letenni a könyvet! Annyira tetszett! Ez egy történet szól szívfájdalomról, elvesztett szerelemről, arról hogyan kezdjünk új életet, hogyan érezzünk újra.
A könyv első fele Brett Sharp nézőpontjából íródott. Amikor 21 éves volt találkozott egy szexi szőkével, akinek a neve Sarah volt. Egymásba szerettek, elválaszthatatlanok voltak, minden tökéletes volt. Brett elmeséli nekünk, hogyan szeretett bele Sarahba, hogyan kérte meg a kezét, milyen tökéletes volt Sarah. Aztán történt egy baleset. Sarah legjobb barátja meghalt, Sarah pedig elvesztette önmagát. Brett tudta hogy elvesztette a feleségét. Életben volt, de már nem az a szexi és vicces nő volt, akibe beleszeretett. De ennek ellenére kitartott Sarah mellett évekig, nem szűnt meg törődni vele. Nem akart elválni, arra várt, hogy a régi Sarah visszatérjen hozzá.
Nyomozó lett. IGEn egy szexi nyomozó! Négy évvel később találkozott Jesse-vel, és randira ment vele...
Jesse egy kávézóban dolgozott, ott találkozott Brettel. Valójában ő hívta randira! Aztán randizni kezdtek. Jesse tudott Sarahról és a hónapok alatt találkozott is vele.
Jessenek vannak kétségei Bretthez fűződő kapcsolata terén. Megértem Jesset. Tudja hogy Brett törődik Sarahval, és megérti őt. Tudja hogy Brett nem akarja magára hagyni Saraht, mert nincs senkije. De mi van akkor, ha Brett még mindig szerelmes Sarahba? Sarah nem akar vele lenni, de mi van akkor ha meggondolja magát, és vissza akarja szerezni Brettet? Brett vajon Jessel marad, vagy visszamegy Sarahhoz? Szóval teljesen megértem Jesset! Nagyon nehéz helyzetben van.
De Brett is nehéz helyzetben van. Nem tudja magára hagyni Saraht. Évekig vissza akarta kapni őt, csak vissza akarta kapni a feleségét. De minden megváltozott, mikor találkozott Jessevel. Újra elkezdett érezni, de félt ezektől az érzésektől. Nem tudott senkivel sem elköteleződni. Ő még mindig egy házas ember volt, aki nem tudja hogyan engedje el a feleségét. Megértem őt is. Jó ember.
De nem tudom megérteni Saraht. Tudom, hogy a baleset miatt változott meg, a bűntudata miatt, és azért mert sérült az agya. Pont ezért vagyok kíváncsi az ő könyvére.
Imádtam Jesse és Brett párosát. Először Jesse egy félénk nő volt, de Brett hatására megváltozott. Nagyon tetszett, ahogy hazudni akart valami kínos dologról Brettnek, de nem tudott, mert Brett nyomozó és simán átlát rajta! :)  Szerettem olvasni azt a részt, amikor Jesse bátyja 'rátámadt' Brettre a helyzete miatt és ahogyan Brett elmagyarázta a szituációt Jesse családjának, úgy hogy ne hozza kellemetlen helyzetbe, legalábbis kellemetlenebb helyzetbe mint amiben vannak. Imádtam Brett családját, ahogyan befogadták Jesset a családba. A könyv második fele váltott nézőpontból íródott, szóval megismerhetjük nemcsak Brett, hanem Jesse gondolatait is. Ez nagyon tetszett!

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