The Problem with Players by Brittainy Cherry~ARC review



As a female coach, I’ve always lived by a simple mantra: throw hard, swing for the fences, and never, ever look back--especially when it comes to past flames.

So when my ex-boyfriend somehow manages to land the job as my new assistant coach, my life is flipped upside down. The game I thought I'd mastered is now being played with a whole new set of rules.

My ex is baseball's all-star Nathan Pierce. He’s tall, dark, and undeniably handsome. He's also all too eager to spend extra hours working together while flashing that familiar devilish smirk of his that still sends my heart racing.

Between playful teasing and lingering stares I discover that Nathan isn’t just here to work. He’s here to rewrite history. Our history.

And when fate throws another curveball involving me needing a place to stay, Nathan offers up his spare bedroom, which sends me spiraling into emotions I believed had long since faded.

Now I’m faced with the ultimate decision: keep it professional and continue fleeing from our past, or confront it head-on by playing the game he thinks we were meant to finish together.

My Review: 

I love Brittainy Cherry's books, but this book didn't become my favorite. It was not for me. 

Honestly I didn't really liked Avery. She was too rude. I understood that she suffered a lot, lost her mother and she was dealing with depression. But I didn't like how she treated Nathan. I understood that she was hurt because of their past but I think it was too much.

Nathan was a lovable character. He was too good to be true. He was kind to Avery and cared about her despite how she treated him. I didn't really understand him.

Because of these things I didn't really feel the chemistry between them. I didn't really feel that they belonged together. 

The storyline was good, and the writing was beautiful as always, but the characters didn't become my favorites.

that was the thing about  love- it didn't follow timelines. It showed up when people least expect it.

People's hearts didn't harden by choice. They hardened due to traumatic inflictions of pain caused by others

(...) there is always room in us for a little more love, no matter how much loss we've experienced. 



Szeretem Brittainy Cherry könyveit, de valahogy ez a könyv nem lopta be magát a szívembe. Nem nekem való könyv volt.

Őszintén szólva, én nem igazán kedveltem Avery-t. Túl durva, goromba volt véleményem szerint. Értem, hogy sokan szenvedett korábban, elvesztette az édesanyját és ahogy depresszióval küzdött. De egyáltalán nem tetszett, ahogy nathan-nel bánt. Azt is értem, hogy tüske volt benne a múlban kettejük között történtek miatt, de szerintem ez nem indokolta a viselkedését.

Nathan ezzel szemben egy szerethető karakter . Tipikusan a túl jó, hogy igaz legyen. Na őt viszont nagyon nem értettem. Gondoskodott Avery-ről, kedves volt hozzá, annak ellenére, hogy a csaj hogy bánt vele. Tényleg nem értettem, hogy tud ennyire kedves lenni.

Pont ezek miatt nem is éreztem kettejük között a kémiát. nem éreztem úgy, hogy ők összetartoznának.

Egyébként maga a cselekmény és a stílus tetszett, mint mindig. Nagyon szép idézetek vannak a könyvben, de a karakterek nem voltak számomra az igaziak.


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