Western Waves by Brittainy Cherry~ ARC review


I always believed in fairy tales, but he preferred horrors. 

Damian Blackstone didn’t care about my existence. He came into my world for one reason only. He came to find answers about his past. 

He moved like the villain in my favorite fairy tales. He wasn’t the one who received the happily ever afters; he was the one who destroyed them.

Which was why I couldn’t understand why the man who raised me set it up in his will for Damian and me to be married. I wasn’t certain I’d be able to live with a man like Damian. We were as opposite as any two people could be. I loved to bathe in the sunlight while he prospered in the shadows.

I didn’t think I’d develop feelings for the one who looked at me as if I were nothing more than a means to an end. Yet in his darkness, sometimes I’d see sparks of light. I’d see gentleness. I’d see his soul.

We became entangled with one another as we fell into mistakes and called them fate. I was his Cinderella, and he was my Beast. 

I wasn’t certain that twisted fairy tales ended with happily ever afters. 
Still, I was determined to find out.

My Review:
Sometimes one had to let go of their yesterdays in order to reach their better tomorrows.
As always I loved reading Brittainy Cherry's words. She writes beautifully, I have a lot of quotes highlighted. 
It's easy to love and care within the sun, but real love shows up strongest when the clouds move in and fear is ignited. Real love shows up during the highest of tides and still, it stays.
The storyline was interesting. It was about an arranged marriage. There were secrets which made the story more exciting.
I loved that the book was written in alternate point of views. 
I think both Stella and Damian were unique characters. They both suffered when they were only kids, but they were completely differnt people.
(...) there can be beauty in sadness. You have to allow yourself to feel it for a while. You have to allow yourself to feel all emotions whenever they come up. Otherwise, they all get messed up.
Stella was the Cinderstella and Damian was the Beast in this story. I loved how sweet, funny and lovable was Stella. Damian was cold in the beginning but it was predictable that he would soften because of Stella. 
The big turning point wasn't too shocking for me because I've recently read a story with the same plot twist. But unlike that book I felt this was the right decision from the hero. (It's so hard to write about it without spoiling what happens)
So I liked this book: the characters, the plot but what I really loved : Brittainy's thoughts and words. 4.5*
It wasn't about the happily ever after. It was about the happily ever now. Right then and there. It was about living in the moment and celebrating the joy of each day. Real love happened in the present tense, not in the past or future. It happened in every single passing second.


Ahogy mindig, most is imádtam olvasni Brittainy Cherry szavait. Nagyon szépen ír, és számos idézetet feljegyeztem magamnak.
Maga a történet érdekes volt. Egy megrendezett házasságról szólt, de volt egy pár titok, ami izgalmasabbá tette a sztorit.
Nagyon tetszett, hogy a történet kettős nézőpontból íródott, és hogy a jelen és a múlt is váltakozott.
Szerintem mind Stella, mind Damian egyedi karakterek voltak. Sokmindenen átmentek gyerekkorukban, de teljesen különböző személyiségű emberek lettek.
Egy mondern Szépség és a szörnyeteg sztorit kaptunk. Nagyon tetszett, hogy Stella vidám, élettel teli, szeretetre méltó személyiség volt. Damian kezdetben rideg volt, de már az elején sejteni lehet, hogy Stella hatására meg fog enyhülni.
A nagy fordulat számomra nem volt annyira sokkoló, mert nemrég olvastam egy történetet, amiben a nagy fordulat pont ez volt. Bár a másik könyvnél annyira nem tűnt valósnak, reálisnak a főhős döntése, itt jobban összhangban voltak a főhős cselekedetei és a személyisége. (nehéz úgy értékelni, hogy ne spoilerezzek)
Összességben tetszett a könyv: a szereplők, a cselekmény, de amit igazán imádtam, az Brittainy szavai és gondoltai. 4.5*

GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57031811-western-waves 


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Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing--poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. When she's not running a million errands and crafting stories, she's probably playing with her adorable pets.



Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/brittainycherryauthor 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bcherryauthor 

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brittainycherry 

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