I HATE YOU by Ilsa Madden-Mills~ARC review


There’s a fine line between I hate you and I want you.
Once you cross it, there’s no going back.
Blaze Townsend: I hate you.
Charisma Rossi: I hate you more.
She’s been expecting this ever since their latest showdown. She had good reason.
Hottest guy she’s ever seen.
Former fling.
Dumped her in front of all her friends.
At her own party.
So no, she’s not about to forgive and forget just because he sits next to her in class. He thinks all he has to do is turn on those baby blues, and she’ll melt right back into his arms. Please.She’d be crazy to let this cocky player affect her again. (Tell that to her body.)
Charisma Rossi.
Nerd girl with a dash of bad.
The one who got under his skin.
The one he cut loose.
Blaze knows she’s the riskiest prospect at Waylon University, but none of the interchangeable girls he hooks up with have ever made him feel the way she did. There’s absolutely no way he can have the girl and the game. 
So why can’t he stop trying to win her back?
Can this wide receiver score the girl or will he make the biggest fumble of his life?

My Review:
I love books by Ilsa Madden-Mills, and I really liked this book too, perfect for the beach, I was reading this book while I was on Holiday. 
It was a hot college romance with a sexy football player.
The book was written in alternate POVs, which I really loved. After the first 30 pages the story became more interesting and I started devouring the chapters.
I loved Char's character because she was sassy, mischievous, she stood up for herself,  and she confessed her feelings when it was needed and because of this I didn't feel that the story was like a soap opera, because of this it felt real.
Love hurts; I know it does. Love is opening yourself up like a book, letting someone see your secrets with every paragraph and page exposed, knowing that the person you're showing it to can walk away at any minute. And maybe he will. Love only works if you try, if you take a chance.
Blaze... I became fond of him after I read a few chapters from his point of view. I think his POV was really needed in this book and I wouldn't become a fan of him if I couldn't read his thoughts.
Blaze has a traumatic past, his mom and dad were shitty parents, after they died, Blaze lived with his aunt and her family, but they didn't really care about him. So he decided to study hard and he wanted to be a good football player, he wanted to be someone. 
Blaze and Char were hooking up in the past but Blaze dumped her  on her own party. I hated him because of this but I thought there was a serious reason behind it. And I was right, but honestly I didn't understand why did he break up with her like this... After 3 months they started hooking up again but now they started own their feelings... 
Don't be afraid to love. Please. You'll never be happy if you don't give people a chance.
I loved them together, they were funny and they were hot.
We happened fast, but sometimes love is like that. It slams into you and you might stumble a few times, trying to figure it out, but if it's real, you'll make it. You'll last.
So it was a good book, perfect relaxation for the holiday. I really enjoyed it. I recommend this book to those, who love college sports romance. 4.5*

Szeretem Ilsa Madden-Mills könyveit és ez a könyv is nagyon tetszett. Nyaralásomon olvastam, tökéletes kikapcsolódást jelentett a parton.
A főszereplők egyetemisták, ráadásul a férfi főhősünk egy szexi sportoló.
A történet váltott nézőpontból íródott, ami nagyon bejött nekem. Az első harminc oldal után csak úgy faltam a fejezeteket.
Szerettem Char karakterét, lehet ő volt a kedvencem, mert egy csinatlan, vicces csaj volt, aki kiállt magáért, később pedig vállalta az érzéseit,amikor szükséges volt, emiatt valóságosabbnak tűnt a történet,nem olyan szappanoperaszerű.
Blaze-t is megkedveltem, miután elolvastam egy-két fejezetet, ami az ő nézőpontjában íródott. Szerintem az ő nézőpontja nagyon kellett a könyvbe, talán nem is vált volna szívem csücskévé, ha nem olvashattam volna a gondolatait.
Blaze múltja elég traumásnak mondható, a szülei elég rossz szülők voltak, miután ők meghaltak a nagynénjéhez került. Igazából a családdal maradt, de nem igazán tekintették őt családtagnak, nem törődtek vele. Blaze mindent megtett annak érdekében, hogy jól tanuljon és jó legyen az amerikai fociban, lenni akart valaki.
Char és Blaze összejöttek egy párszor, de aztán Char saját buliján Blaze ejtette őt mindenki szeme láttára. Nem lett a srác a szívem csücske ezért, de sejtettem, hogy van valami komoly oka ennek  a szakításnak. Végül igazam lett, de akkor sem értettem miért ilyen formán szakított a csajjal. 3 hónappal a szakítás után újra összejöttek, de ezúttal az érzelmeik is elmélyültek...
Szerettem őket együtt, jó kis párost alkotott az írónő, a könyvben pedig vegyesen olvashatunk vicces és forró jeleneteket is.
Szóval jó kis könyv volt ez, tökéletes kikapcsolódás a nyaralásra. Ajánlom a könyvet azoknak, akik szeretik a fősulis sport románcokat.

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