FROM HIS LIPS by Leylah Attar

Series: 53Letters for my Lover #1.5

Troy Heathgate has it all - brains, brawn and the kind of smile that just begs a ribbon. Everything but the woman he loves. But now he’s back and determined to possess her. There’s just one catch - she’s married to another man. 

This short story (90 pages) contains spoilers. It is meant to be read after the full length novel, 53 Letters For My Lover. For readers who want more from the hero's point of view. From His Lips (53 Letters #1.5) expands on some of the crucial scenes, and includes a few new ones.

My Review:
I loved this short story! This book was written in Troy's POV. And I loved it! I needed this! 
THERE ARE THREE THINGS THAT feel like searing tongues of fire, licking at your soul, each one bringing you closer to the roasting pit of a private hell. 1. Loving someone you can never have. 2. Having someone you love, but never completely. 3. Loving the part of them you can never have, because that too is something you honor, admire, cherish—the part that makes them achingly, exasperatingly them.
This book was perfection! I could understand Troy more, and I could understand his feelings more. 
I don't think I could have loved her more. How is that possible? When you think you've reached the very edge of love, that you can't possibly go any further, and then the circle stretched a little bigger. And the pain with it.
I loved Troy in the first book, but now....I totally fell in love with him.
It's strange how someone can walk into your life, shatter the windows, break down your doors, scatter your belongings, and then walk away without having the slightest inkling of the storm they'd brought.
It was a really short story, I read it in one sitting. But if you loved 53 letters for my lover you should read this novel too. 
💗Love Troy Heathgate 💗

Nagyon szerettem ezt a kis nyúlfarknyi sztorit! Ez a könyv Troy szemszögéből mutatja be a történetet. És imádtam! Szükségem volt erre a könyvre! Tökéletes volt! Mostmár jobban megértettem Troyt és jobban átélhettem, hogy mit érezhetett. Már az első könyvben is szerettem Troyt... de most totál szerelmes lettem belé! 
Ez tényleg egy nagyon rövid történet, egyszerre elolvastam az egészet. De ha tetszett az első könyv, mindenképpen olvasd el ezt is! 

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