Womanizer by Katy Evans
Release Date: December 5th, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Katy Evans comes a brand new contemporary romance. WOMANIZER is a full length standalone, and no other books in the series need to be read.
You've seen the headlines: Womanizing billionaire player! Watch out! Stay away!
We were just two strangers. Facing a forbidden attraction, a chemical connection. Neither of us expected or wanted it to amount to more.
But I had never been drawn to a guy the way I was drawn to this one: my brother's best friend, and CEO of the company where I interned.
Even knowing I should stay away, I proved to be too human, after all.
The chemistry was amazing.
The laughs were incredible.
I opened up to him in more ways than I'd opened up to anyone before.
But sex was as far as I'd go.
Just sex because he was too irresistible.
Just sex because I wouldn't be falling for him.
Just sex because I'd leave in three months, and I'd like for my brother not to kill me, and for nobody to find out he was my wicked little secret.
He wasn't the One.
He was just a womanizer.
But for a time, he would be mine.

My Review
OMG! This book was amazing! It's a sweet love story. I couldn't put it down. I finished it in 1 day! I love Katy Evans' style. This book is so romantic, a forbidden office romance. I fell in love with Callan in the first chapter. 💓
Olivia is Tahoe's sister, who moved to Chicago for the summer. She was an intern at Callan's company. I like the book from the beginning, because she didn't know who Callan was. They met and they were attracted to each other, but they also became friends too. I liked Olivia's character. She was clever, she wanted to build her own company, and she wanted to learn. I felt that she was more afraid of this relationship/ affair than Callan. she was afraid of the consequences. She didn't want anyone to think what she achieved was because she slept with the boss. I liked that she stood up for herself despite of the attraction between her and Callan.
"You're the one who gave me the courage to really believe I can follow my dreams and do it."~Olivia
He fully believed in me, right from the start-he gave me a shot. Taught me the ropes. He even let me go, so I could chase this dream."~Olivia
Callan is a perfect guy. A typical playboy. He is a rich, CEO of a company (where Olivia is an intern), hot, smart 😍... and Tahoe's best friend. So Olivia is 'frobidden fruit'. But he didn't care. He wanted Olivia when they first met. But he didn't want anything else, just sex. I loved reading about, how he changed. He used to have a new woman every night, but now he wanted just Olivia.
"Say you can handle what I'm about to do to you. (...) Once I'm in, I'm owning every frackle I find. Just don't let me in here." He brushes his hand over my breast, over my heart.
"I know full well you're leaving, (...)that you're T's sister, that you work for me. I'm also fully aware that we can't keep our hands off each other. That you distract the shit out of me. That you're irresistable on every level. And that I don't want you to see anyone else, period."~Callan
"I want to make it clear I have no shame when it comes to you. No rules I won't break for you. Something about you gets to me like nothing ever has. Isay the word woman, I think of you. female, I think of you. Sexy, I think of you. Sweet, I think of you."~Callan
What I loved about this story, that it wasn't about just sex, and attraction only, Callan gave Olivia what she wanted: he taught her, he taught her about business. She could look up to Callan. (Like I said he was the perfect guy!)
"So the saying goes, there are two dogs arking over your shoulder, fear or determination. Which one wins? The one you feed. never feed the dog who's afraid."~Callan
"Don't talk, act. Don't say, show. Don't promise, prove."~Callan
"I've fallen so deeply in love with you I'm drowning here. I'm fucking drowning here."~Callan
We get a little Tahoe and Gina too. 😊 I liked to read about them!
Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Egy édes szerelmi történet. Nem tudtam letenni! egy nap alatt elolvastam!
Imádom Katy Evans stílusát. Egy tiltott munkahelyi románcról olvashattunk. Már az első fejezetben beleszerettem Callan-be! 💓
Olivia Tahoe testvére, aki a nyárra Chicagoba költözött.Callan cégénél lesz gyakornok.
Már az elejétől tetszett a történet, ahogy találkoztak, amikor is Olivia még nem tudta, hogy ki Callan. Találkoztak és egyből vonzódtak egymáshoz, és barátság is kialakult köztük. Nagyon szimpatikus karaktert alkotott az írónő. amit szerettem Oliviában, hogy okos volt, kiállt önmagáért, saját céget akar alapítani és tanulni akar. Úgy éreztem ő jobban tart ettől a kapcsolattól, viszonytól mint Callan. Tartott a következményektől. Nem akarta, hogy azt gondolják, hogy amit elért, azt azért érte el, mert lefeküdt a főnökkel. Tetszett az, hogy emiatt kiállt a véleménye mellet, a kettejük között lévő erős vonzalom ellenére.
Callan tökéletes pasi. Tipikus playboy, gazdag, okos, cégvezető, szexi... és Tahoe legjobb barátja, Olivia főnöke. Szóval Olivia tiltott gyümölcs. de ez úgy tűnik nem érdekelte. Már az első alkalommal akarta Oliviát. De nem akar kapcsolatot, csak szexet. Olyan jó volt arról olvasni, hogyan változott. Korábban minden este új nővel bújt ágyba, de most csak Oliviát akarja.
Amit szerettem ebben a történetben, hogy nemcsak szexről, vonzalomról szólt. Callan megadta Oliviának azt, amit akart: tanította, üzlettel kapcsolatos fontos dolgokra tanította. Így Olivia fel tudott nézni rá. (Ahogy mondtam, ő a tökéletes pasi!)
Azért kaptunk egy kis bepillantást tahoe és Gina életébe is. Jó volt róluk olvasni.
A könyv kedvenc lett!

Buy Links:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2gRLngt
iBooks: http://apple.co/2bhCMzC
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2bhCeJV
Audible: http://amzn.to/2gQCczj
Amazon Paperback: http://amzn.to/2bKd6iU

About the Author:
Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 9 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.
Connect with the Author:
Email: katyevansauthor@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorKatyEvans
Twitter @authorkatyevans
Website: www.katyevans.net
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