OUT OF TIME by Beth Flynn

Series: Nine Minutes #2
They ​​thought with his execution it would all be over. They were wrong. The leader of one of South Florida’s most notorious and brutal motorcycle gangs has been put to death by lethal injection. Days later, his family and friends should have been picking up the pieces, moving on. Instead, they’ve been catapulted into a world so twisted and dangerous even the most ruthless among them would be stunned to discover the tangled web of deception, not only on the dangerous streets of South Florida but all the way to the top. In this gripping follow-up novel to Nine Minutes, Out of Time takes readers from the sun-drenched flatlands of 1950s Central Florida to the vivid tropical heat of Fort Lauderdale to the halls of Florida’s Death Row as we finally learn the gritty backstory of Jason “Grizz” Talbot and the secret he spent his life trying to conceal. Not even Grizz’s inner circle knows his full story—the tragedy that enveloped his early life, the surprise discovery that made him the government’s most wanted and most feared, and the depths of his love for Ginny, the tenderhearted innocent he’d once abducted and later made his wife. Once Grizz’s obsession and now the mother of his child, Ginny has spent years grieving the man she’d first resisted and then came to love. Now remarried to Tommy, a former member of the gang, the pair have spent more than a decade trying desperately to live a normal existence far from the violent, crime-ridden world they’d once carved out on the edge of the Florida Everglades. For Tommy, especially, the stakes are high. Desperately in love with Ginny for years, he’s finally living his dream: married to the woman he never thought he could have. But even with the façade of normalcy—thriving careers, two beautiful children, and a genuinely happy and loving marriage—they can’t seem to put the past behind them. Every time they turn around, another secret is revealed, unraveling the very bonds that hold them together. And with Grizz finally put to death, now Ginny has learned secrets so dark, so evil she’s not even sure she can go on. Will these secrets tear their love to pieces? And how far will Grizz go to protect what he still considers his, even from beyond the grave?
My Review:
OMG! This book was fantastic! It's hard to write a review without spoilers. This book was full of  twists. You can't tell what will happen in the next chapter. 
In one chapter we were in the past, in the next we were in the present. We became to know what happened 25 years ago. How Grizz decided and arranged the kidnapping. We became to know Grizz past, his childhood, how he became so rough. We already knew that he cared about Kit. He fell in love with her. She was his only true love. And now we could read about, how sweet and caring he could be. And I liked him more because of this. 
"The only truth you ever need to know is that my love for you is real and will never go away. And everything I've done, no matter how it looks, is so you could be protected. I never wanted to be without you, but it's not my choice now."~Grizz
But on the other hand we could read about how bad man he was. He was a criminal, he could do anything what he wanted. And I didn't like him because of this. He was a complex character, and it was good. This made the story more interesting, because I didn't know how to feel about him.
"... I know I have done some awful things to people." He paused. "I'll probably keep doing awful things. (...) But, I'll never, ever, ever lay a hand on you" " I saw you hit Willow. Remember when you knocked out her tooth?" Once again he  pulled her to his chest and bent low to bury his face in her neck.  He wispered, "I was never in love with Willow."
"I am getting what I deserve. Do you understand me? You don't deserve it. You need to have the life you would've had, could've had, if I didn't kidnap you. I was selfish. I took what I wanted."~Grizz 
I like Grunt more in this book. Now we can see that his goal was Kit, he wanted her from the first time, he wanted Kit to be happy, so he did everything for it. While I thought after the first book that Grizz was the cleverest guy in the story, it turned out that Grut was as clever as him. I was shocked after the first book, that everything what Grizz did had a purpose, and now we can see everything that Grunt did had a purpose too. 
"You were always my goal and I had finally reached it. It was then and still is about being with you, Ginny. That's all it's ever been about."~Tommy
"Ginny, I didn't know know who I was in this world. Someone's brother, someone's son, a criminal, a student, someone evil, or someone kind.But when you came into my life, I knew who I wanted to be. "~ Tommy
"Tell Kit-Ginny- I'm sorry. Okay? Tell her I'm sorry for a lot of things, but I'm not sorry for loving her. i'll never be sorry for that. And she is not responsible for me being here. (...) I'm here because of the things I've done. Not because of her."~Grizz 
There were a lot of secret, and sometimes I was shocked. And more and more secrets came to view! I couldn't believed them! 

Úr Isten! Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt. nehéz spoilermentes értékelést írni. Ez a könyv tele van fordulattal. nem lehet tudni, mi fog történni a következő fejezetben.
Az egyik fejezet a múltban játszódik, a másik a jelenben. Megtudhatjuk, hogy mi történt 25 évvel ezelőtt. Hogyan döntötte el és szervezte meg Grizz az emberrablást. Megismerhettük Grizz múltját, a gyerekkorát, megtudhattuk, miért lett ilyen durva. Már eddig is tudtuk, hogy törődött Kittel, beleszeretett. Ő volt az egyetlen igaz szerelme. most megtudhatjuk milyen édes és gondoskodó tudott lenni. És emiatt jobban kedveltem.
De másrészről, ő valóban egy rossz ember volt, egy igazi bűnöző. Azt csinált amit akart. és emiatt nem kedveltem annyira. Grizz egy komplex karakter, és ez jó. Ez érdekesebbé tette számomra a sztorit, mert nem tudtam, hogyan is érzek iránta.
Ebben a könyvben Grunt-ot jobban megkedveltem. most már láthatjuk, hogy mi volt végig a célja. KIt/Ginny. Őt akarta mer kezdetektől fogva, boldognak akarta látni és ezért mindent megtett. Azt gondoltam az első könyv után, hogy a történetben Grizz a legokosabb szereplő, de most kiderült, hogy Grunt ugyanolyan okos mint Grizz. Az első rész után sokkolt, hogy mindennek amit Grizz tett volt valami célja, és most láthatjuk, hogy mindennek amit Grunt tett szintén mindig volt valami célja. 
Nagyon sok a titok, és néha sokkoltak ezek a titkok. És ahogy haladt a történet egyre több titokra derült fény. Néha nem tudtam elhinni őket! 

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