Series: Nine Minutes #1
On May 15, 1975, fifteen-year-old Ginny Lemon is abducted from a convenience store in Fort Lauderdale by a member of one of the most notorious and brutal motorcycle gangs in South Florida.
From that moment on, her life is forever changed. She gets a new name, a new identity and a new life in the midst of the gang’s base on the edge of the Florida Everglades—a frightening, rough and violent world much like the swamps themselves, where everyone has an alias and loyalty is tantamount to survival.
And at the center of it all is the gang’s leader, Grizz: massive, ruggedly handsome, terrifying and somehow, when it comes to Ginny, tender. She becomes his obsession and the one true love of his life.
So begins a tale of emotional obsession and manipulation, of a young woman ripped from everything she knows and forced to lean on the one person who provides attention, affection and care: her captor. Precocious and intelligent, but still very much a teenager, Ginny struggles to adapt to her existence, initially fighting and then coming to terms with her captivity.
Will she be rescued? Will she escape? Will she get out alive—or get out at all? Part psychological thriller, part coming-of-age novel, filled with mystery, romance and unexpected turns, Nine Minutes takes readers into the world of one motorcycle gang and inside the heart of a young girl, whose abduction brought about its fall.
My Review:
OH MY GOD!!! This book is amazing. I couldn't put it down! I finished it in 1 day! What should I write about it now?
"I was no victim. Never had been. Never would be."
I needed time to write this review. This book had a huge impact on me. This story was like a Son's of Anarchy episode or series. 😊
The beginning was shocked me. Gin (or how Grizz named her Kit) was on her first "husband's" ,(Grizz) execution. The Prologue told us how Grizz was executed. And then Gin told the story, what happened during the 25 years.
"He didn't glance around. He just closed his eyes and passed away. It took nine minutes. It sounds quick. Less than ten minutes. But for me it was an eternity.
Gin was abducted by a motorcycle gang when she was 15. The gang's leader was Grizz, and he was her captor. He was a a huge, ruggedly handsome man with tattoos. He was a dangerous man, but with Gin/Kit he was different. He was caring, he loved her. Gin fell in love with Grizz. I don't blame her. He was hot, and he was caring for her, it's a first in her life. She hadn't had a perfect, loving family before she was kidnapped. But Grizz gave everything to her, everything she wanted. So later she stayed, because she loved Grizz.
"He was my first love. He was a true love. In fact, he was the biological father of my firstborn, though she would never meet him. He wanted it that way. And deep down, so did I."
Grizz wasn't a good man. Yes, we saw how he treated Kit, how he did everything he could to make her happy, but he was still a criminal. He had illegal businesses: prostitution, drugs... He was a murderer, and when someone harmed Kit he evanged it. He was brutal. But what I loved about him (yes, I loved him) that he was patient with Kit, he never offended, grieved her. He wanted her sexually from the first day, but he was patient, they moved slowly.
"Who was this person who could hack a man to pieces one day and save a kitten the next?"
"I couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d seen a different Grizz. A sympathetic Grizz who rescued kittens and listened to my kind of music. Someone who made sure his young wife went to church every Sunday. I couldn’t believe how naïve I was. He was all of those things, but I kept forgetting that he didn’t get to be the leader of this gang by being soft. He was hard. He was cold-blooded. He was ruthless in his pursuit of what he wanted."The author wrote perfectly about motorcycle gang's life, about Stockholm syndrome. This book was brutal, but it was real. I liked Gin. She was strong, and I totally understand her feelings, she knew what kind of man Grizz was. But she saw his other side too. I loved Grizz too. Yes, he was a criminal, but he was also a loving husband, he really cared for Gin. And why I loved him in the first place? After his arrest he did everything for Gin. He wanted her to be happy, and he did everything for her from the prison too. He made it happen. She was remarried. And now she is happy. But of course she still has feelings for him. Grizz loved her till the end, and he demostrated it with his actions. He was clever, he did everything on purpose. This shocked me, that everything what he did had a purpose.
At the end I had to reread the fist chapter, and yes, I was crying 😭 for Grizz, for their love, for their child. but I know that Grizz deserved death. I understand. But it was a shocking story. Can't wait to start the second book in the series! The book is one of my favorites in 2016!
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Grizz |
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Kit |
ATYA ÚR ISTEN! Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Nem tudtam letenni! Egy nap alatt befejeztem! Most hogy írjak róla értékelést??
Idő kellett hozzá, hogy összeszedjem gondolataimat és megírjam az értékelést. Nagy hatással volt rám a könyv. Olyan volt, mintha egy részt vagy egy egész évadot néztem volna a Son's of Anarchy sorozatból. 😊
Már a könyv eleje sokkolt, ugyanis Gin (vagy ahogy Grizz elnevezte Kit) éppen az első 'férje' (Grizz) kivégzésén vett részt. Már a bevezetőben olvashattuk, hogy végezték ki Grizzt, aztán Gin elmesélte mit történt az elmúlt 25 év alatt.
Gint 15 éves korában elrabolta egy motoros banda, melynek vezetője Grizz volt, övé lett Gin/Kit. Grizz egy hatalmas, durva vonású, de helyes pasi volt, tele tetoválásokkal. Veszélyes ember volt, de Ginnel máshogy viselkedett. Törődött vele és szerette. Gin beleszeretett. Nem is hibáztatom érte. Szexi volt. és gondoskodott vele, ami először fordul elő életében. Gin nem élt tökéletes szerető családban mielőtt elrabolták. De Grizz mindent megadott neki, mindent amit csak akart. És később már nem is akart Gin elmenni, mert szerette Grizzt.
Grizz nem volt jó ember. Igen láttuk, hogyan bánt Kittel, hogyan gondoskodott róla, megtett mindent azért hogy ő boldog legyen. De ő akkor is egy bűnöző volt. Illegális üzletei volt: prostik, drogok... Ezen felül ölt is, és amikor valaki bántotta Gint alaposan megbosszulta. Brutális volt. De amit szerettem benne (igen, szerettem Grizzt), az az, hogy türelmes volt Ginnel. Soha nem sértegette, nem bántotta. Már az első naptól le akart vele feküdni, de türelmes volt, lassan haladtak.
Az írónő nagyon jól bemutatta a motoros bandák életét, nagyon jól írt a stockholm szindrómáról. Ez a könyv brutális volt, ugyanakkor valóságos is. Kedveltem Gint, mert erős volt, és megértettem az érzéseit is. Szerette Grizzt, de ugyanakkor tudta milyen ember, de ennek ellenére ő ismerte a másik oldalát is, azt az oldalát, amelyik törődött vele. Szerettem Grizzt. Igen, ő bűnöző, de ugyanakkor egy szerető férj, aki törődött Ginnel. És miért szerettem őt? Azért mert mindig mindent Ginért tett, hogy ő boldog legyen. Ezt akkor sem hagyta abba, amikor börtönbe került. Azt akarta, hogy boldog legyen, és ezt meg is valósította. Gin újraházasodott, és boldog volt, de természetesen még maradtak érzései Grizz iránt. Grizz végig szerette, és ezt tetteivel bizonyította is. Grizz okos volt, mindennek volt valamilyen célja. Ez sokkolt, hogy amit Grizz tett, mindennek volt valami célja.
A végén újra kellett olvasnom az első fejezetet és igen, ekkor már elsírtam magam.😭 Sírtam Grizz miatt, a szerelmük miatt, a gyerekük miatt. Tudom, és egyetértek azzal, hogy Grizz megérdemelte a halált. Megértem. De ez egy sokkoló történet volt.
Alig várom, hogy olvassam a második részt! Ez a könyv bekerült 2016 kedvencei közé!
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