A GIFT OF TIME by Beth Flynn

Series: Nine Minutes #3
A Gift of Time is the third installment in the Nine Minutes Trilogy. It is not intended to be a stand-alone novel, but could be read as one. Still, I highly recommend that you read my first two novels, Nine Minutes and Out of Time, to be able to understand the background stories of the main characters. There are many twists and turns in both books that can best be connected if read consecutively.
Are some secrets meant to stay buried?
Three months have passed since Jason “Grizz” Talbot was put to death by lethal injection for crimes he committed. His former wife, Ginny, whom he had abducted from a convenience store when she was a teenager and became the love obsession of his life, has spent more than the last decade trying to carve out a life of normalcy in the bustling suburbs of Fort Lauderdale—including a thriving and happy marriage to Tommy „Grunt” Dillon, a former member of Grizz’s gang.
Tired of the secrets and the lies, Ginny and Tommy thought the final piece of their past could be left behind forever with Grizz’s execution. However, the past comes crashing around Ginny and Tommy when a newly discovered secret threatens to destroy their marriage.
When tragedy strikes, Ginny is forced to reach into her heart and decide, once and for all, what she really wants.
In this third book in the Nine Minutes trilogy, A Gift of Time takes readers from the busy tropical metropolis of South Florida into the serenity of the North Carolina Blue Ridge mountains as Ginny chases down the answers she needs.
Will she have the strength to confront the secrets of her past…and her heart?
My Review:
"You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one."
I have mixed feelings about this book. After the second book's ending I couldn't wait to read what would happen. And the first part of the book was about the past. I didn't really like it. I wanted to know what was going to happen with Tommy! So I didn't really need to read about the past again, but it wasn't bad, just I was more interested in the present and the future... Nonetheless I loved this book too.
There weren't as many secrets as in the first and second books. 
"She said 'I love you'. That was all. Three simple words that were heartfelt, sincere, and full of compassion. Three words that can change the world, if we'll let them."~Sister Mary Katherine
We could see how Grizz changed. And I liked it. He became a good, a normal man. He changed a lot. He became a man who deserve happiness, a family. 
"Prison can change a man. Even me."~Grizz
And I loved how he wanted to win back Ginny. He wasn't the guy he used to be. I couldn't recognize the old Grizz. And this was good. I could totally fall in love with him. 
"Gone was the vulnerable teenager he'd forced himself on twenty-five years ago. She'd grown into a strong, self-assured, take-charge adult. And perhaps because of it, he realized he was more drawn to her now than he'd ever been before."~Grizz
💗"I can't see myself ever saying no to you. I love you, Ginny. I never stopped loving you for one single second. Ever."~Grizz  💗 
"When we love, we become vulnerable. If I allow myself to love, I set up to not be in control."~Grizz 
We became to know a new Grizz. He was sweet, and caring. He didn't take what he wanted. He was patient, and wanted Ginny to come to him. He wanted Ginny to be happy. And what he told Ginny... I was melting 😍
"It's okay if you're not in love with me anymore, but maybe you can find it in your heart to just love me."~Grizz  *sigh* 
"You're my world Ginny. You know that, right? (...) I take that back. Mimi and Jason are my world. (...) The kids are my world, but you are my universe." ~Grizz   *sigh again* 
But I loved Tommy too. He was a perfect husband, a perfect father. I loved him. 💗
I totally understand Ginny's problems, her feelings. She still loved Grizz, but she really fell in love with Tommy too. She was Grizz's wife for 10 years. Tommy and Ginny was married for 15 years. And they had a good marriage, they loved each other. But I understood that she had feelings for Grizz too.
"Of course I need you. I'll always need you. But I need Tommy too. And I'll never sacrifice his heart to get back a piece of my own."~Ginny
"I didn't want Grizz dead. What I wanted was my heart to be dead to him."~Ginny 
And I loved the kids. Jason was so sweet. And Mimi was so grown up in this book. I liked to read about how they bonded.
"And let me cry with you, because I know that if my heart is breaking, yours must be shattered in a million tiny pieces."~Mimi
"Time is the real gift, Ginny, because it's the one thing you can never get back."~Grizz
"Sometimes our lives have to be completely shaken up, changed, and rearranged to locate us to the place we're meant to be."
 The ending was perfect! The whole series is amazing! Need it on my bookshelf, not just on my Kindle!

Vegyes érzelmeim vannak a könyvvel kapcsolatban. Az előző könyv után már alig vártam, hogy megtudjam mi fog történni. És a könyv első fele a múltban játszódik. Ez nem annyira tetszett, mert már nagyon tudni akartam, hogy mi fog Tommyval történni. Szóval nem igazán volt szükségem arra, hogy újra a múltról olvassak. nem volt rossz, de jobban érdekelt a jelen és a jövő... Mindennek ellenére, nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet is. Itt már nem volt olyan sok fordulat és titok, mint az első két könyvben.
Láthattuk, hogy változott meg Grizz. Jó ember lett, egy normális pasi. Nagyon sokat változott pozitív irányba és ezt tetszett. Olyan emberré változott aki megérdemli a boldogságot, megérdemel egy családot.
Imádtam, azt olvasni, ahogy vissza akarta szerezni Ginnyt. Nem az a pasi aki régen volt. Igazából nem is ismertem fel benne a régi Grizzt. És ez jó volt. Abszolút bele tudnék szeretni! 
Megismerhettünk egy új Grizzt. ő édes volt, és gondoskodó. Nem vette el amit akart. Türelmes volt és megvárta míg Ginny nyitott felé. azt akarta, hogy Ginny boldog legyen. És amiket mondott neki... elolvadtam!😍
De én szerettem Tommyt is. Tökéletes férj és apa volt. tényleg szerettem.💗
Teljes mértékben megértettem Ginny problémáit, és érzelmeit. Még mindig szerette Grizzt, de valóban, igazából beleszeretett Tommyba. 10 évig volt Grizz felesége. Ginny és Tommy pedig 15 éven át voltak házasok. Jó házasság volt az övék, szerették egymást. De megértem Ginnyt, hogy még voltak érzései Grizz iránt.
Szerettem a gyerekeket is. Jason édes volt, Mimi pedig annyira felnőtt már ebben a könyvben értelmileg. nagyon tetszett, ahogy Ginnyvel közel kerülnek egymáshoz. 
Tökéletes a befejezés, fantasztikus sorozat. Ezek a könyvek kellenek majd a polcomra!

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