SPARROW by L. J. Shen

Troy Brennan
Every Southie in Boston knows that name. The son of a dead mobster. The heart-throb with steel-blue eyes. „The Fixer” who can make or break you in this city.
Oh, and my new husband.
Sparrow Raynes
That's me. No one seemed to remember my name up until he barged into my life. 
But then he caged me. 

Kidnapped me. 

And killed every chance I had to run away from the place where we grew up. 
Put simply, Troy Brennan clipped my wings.

I have dreams, big ones, but I doubt he'll ever let me chase them. I have no idea why he decided to take me as his wife. But I do know this: pissing off this man will not do me any good. At all.
My Review:
Why haven't I read this book yet??? L. J. Shen is a new author to me. This my the first book from her.
It's an amazing, exciting erotic romance. (I don't think it's dark romance.) 
"Is it possible to feel your heart breaking, even when you're falling in love?"
Sparrow is a simple 22 year-old girl. Her mother left her when she was a kid, and her father is an alcoholic. One day Troy Brennan, son of a dead mobster visited her, and brought her to his apartment and married her. No one said no to Troy, and she was affraid of him, so she became his wife.
"Fear is a prison, and in prison you played by different rules to survive"~Sparrow
Troy was a monster. Everyone feared him. He was really a bad guy. He had a reputation. He was in illegal business, killed and had a mistress.
What I loved about this story, how Troy opened up. He didn't become an emasculated, cissy guy because of his feelings. And I loved it! He was an asshole. 😊
Sparrow couldn't help, she fell in love with him. Can't blame her. He was the sexy beast.
"Troy Brennan was the devil, but sometimes, even good girls wanted a healthy dose of evil in their lives"~Sparrow
"Troy was the guy who not only broke your headboard, but also broke your heart."~Sparrow
"Troy was the devil, but hebreathed life into me."~Sparrow 
He was good to her, gave her everything he could, but he wasn't honest with her. He had secrets, for example why he married her.
"Guilt was a thief. It would steal your mind, mess with your priorities and would eventually steer you from your original plan"~Troy
And yes, after a while Troy was beginning to care about Sparrow, slowly he started to feel something.
"I was so busy telling Sparrow how much she wanted me, I forgot a small little detail-I wanted her back. More."~Troy
"She was my beauty, and I was her beast. But  this was not a Disney flick. In real life, the beast goes back to his solitary life, a freak who lurks in the shadows and watches as his girl runs away back to the arms of her family."~Troy
 I loved them together. I liked that we get two strong characters. I loved how Sparrow stood up for herself. She challanged Troy. And this became exciting (for the reader and for Troy too😃). 
"Real love doesn't dissapear. It can turn into hate, and hate can turn into love, but those feelings won't ever turn into indifference. (...) Real love was cancer. All it took was one blink, and it would spread inside you like wildfire and consume you. But that was okay, because I had a feeling that unlike cancer, real love didn't die. Ever."
"(...) sometimes you gotta pour some of the love in your heart out to make room for the next wave of joy."~Troy 💓 
This book perfectly mixing the genres: erotica, romance, crime, thriller. It was exciting and I couldn't put it down.
Miért nem olvastam eddig ezt a könyvet??? L. J. Shen számomra új szerző. Ez volt az első könyvem tőle. Ez egy fantasztikus, izgalmas erotikus-romantikus könyv. (nem gondolom, hogy dark-romance kategóriába tartozik).
Sparrow egy egyszerű 22 éves lány, akit anyja még gyerekkorában elhagyott, apja pedig alkoholista.
Egy nap Troy Brennan, egy volt gengszter fia, megjelent nála, elvitte a lakására majd feleségül vette. Senki nem mond ellent Troy-nak és ő félt tőle, ezért feleségül ment hozzá.
Troy egy szörnyeteg volt. Mindenki félt, tartott tőle. Ő tényleg rossz ember volt. Illegálisan üzletelt, gyilkolt, és szeretője volt.
Amit nagyon szerettem ebben a történetben, ahogy Troy megnyílt. Nem lett egy nyálas pasi az érzelmei miatt. Egy seggfej volt továbbra is 😊
Sparrow nem tehetett róla, beleszeretett és nem tudom hibáztatni. Troy volt a szexi szörnyeteg.
Troy mindent megadott Sparrownak amit csak tudott, jó volt hozzá, DE nem volt vele őszinte, például azzal kapcsolatban, hogy miért is vette el feleségül.
És igen, egy idő után Troy elkezdett törődni Sparrowal, és lassan elkezdett érezni valamit...
Szerettem őket együtt. Nagyon jó volt olvasni olyan párosról, akik mindketten erős karakterek voltak. tetszett, ahogy Sparrow kiállt magáért, kihívást jelentett Troy számára. Ezért izgalmassá vált a történek (az olvasó számára is, és Troy számára is😃)
Ebben a könyvben tökéletesen keveredtek a műfajok: romantika, erotika, krimi, thriller. Nagyon izgalmas volt, és le se tudtam tenni.

About the Author
L.J. Shen is a best-selling author of Contemporary Romance and New Adult novels. She lives in Northern California with her husband, young son and chubby cat.
Before she’d settled down, L.J. (who thinks referring to herself in the third person is really silly, by the way) traveled all over the world, and collected friends from all across the globe. Friends who’d be happy to report that she is a rubbish companion, always forgets peoples’ birthdays and never sends Christmas cards.
She enjoys the simple things in life, like chocolate, wine, reading, HBO, spending time with her girlfriends and internet-stalking Chris Hemsworth. She reads between three to five books a week and firmly believes Crocs shoes and mullets should be outlawed.
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