“I should never have asked for a night with you. This would never have happened if I’d had more willpower.”
The story continues in Dollars by Pepper Winters.
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A thief met a possession and did what he did best.
Now, he has to live with the consequences.
Including the girl he claimed.
Pimlico was stolen and sold all before her twenty-first birthday.
Two years with a master who almost killed her is over.
She has a new master now.
A master who demands everything, expects everything, and requires ultimate access to her mind.
Elder broke countless rules when he took the girl who wasn’t his.
She confuses and bewitches him, but his fascination won’t save her from his desires.
He wants to know her.
She wants to forget.
Together…they’re doomed.
My Review:
OMG! This book was amazing! Pepper Winters' writing is amazing!
"No matter what happens, never hold grudges. Grudges are the worst things in life. No matter if that grudge is justified, it's the poison that kills entire cities."
"Sometimes, stealing is wrongness wrapped up in right. (...) Sometimes, being bad is the only thing you can do to save the good in your life. And sometimes, no matter how bad you are, even wrongness can't fix it."~Elder
Elder Prest.. *sigh*
Elder stole Pimpico from Arlik. But he told Pim that he wasn't the savior, he was another monster.
"She'd been lucky I saved her from that hellhole. Although, she wasn't lucky I'd been the one to steal her. Pim was no longer in a tragic situation with Arlik. She's in one with me."~Elder
But I didn't see him like a monster. Maybe because we don't know what his biggest secret is. We don't know him yet. I think he is a complex character. He has a huge willpower. He is attracted to Pim but he doesn't want to hurry her. He wants to know her past, her secrets. He wants to heal her, not just physically but mentally too. And I love him for this. He doesn't have an easy task. I love how he stays away because of Pim, because he doesn't want to hurt her. But he wants to be with her. He was struggle with himself a lot.
"Perhaps I'll be your genie. Write down your wishes, silent one. Tell me what I can do to make it right."~Elder
"I was a man who'd spent the last seventy-two hours obsessing over which choice was the lesser of two evils: keep her and destroy myself, or sell her and destroy whatever was left inside her."~Elder
"Your body is not my end goal, Pim. Your mind is."~Elder
"Don't rob me of the chance to heal you"~Elder
Pim is broken. Not just her body but her soul and mind too. I totally understand why. I don't know how could she be so strong.
"I might've killed Alrik, but he'd killed any reminder of the girl I'd been before I was his"~Pim
She is suffering. She is affraid. She doesn't know what would happen when she is healed. She knows that Elder doesn't want to let her go. In her mind she is Pim, the mute broken girl. But while she is healing, she is starting to be more like Tasmin. Maybe Arlik couldn't destroy her completely.
"Accept that you are strong enough to endure the present. The rest doesn't matter"
I totally understand why she can't open up to Elder. She can't trust anyone, especially a dominant man like Elder. But they have a bond. Not just lust or attraction, but some kind of friendship too. Elder can read her body language. He can understand her. They can communicating without words.
"Your questions are so fucking loud they're making me deaf"~Elder
"My anger had given me a backbone, but his peace had given me sanity."~Pim
Honestly I fell in love with Elder. 💓 Yes, he is dominant, and something is not right with him (we don't know yet what it is), but how he wants to help Pim is so so loveable.
"I order to forget everything that that bastard did to you. None of that was sex. That was abuse, and it won't happen again. You're a woman beneath whatever slave he turned you into, and when I fucking kiss you, I expect a woman to kiss me back not a slave to shut me out."~Elder
"For a split second, I forgot how much I hated sex and remembered how good he'd made me feel at the white mansion. (...) He growled rules and regulations-warning me I wasn't a slave he wanted, yet he wanted the woman I could become."~Pim
Pim changed a lot in this book. I hope she will be okay. And the ending.... pfff. Can't wait to read the other books in the series!!! I need the whole series now! 😊
"Elder Prest was the most dangerous man I'd ever known. Not because he could kill me whenever he chose, but because he had the power to steal so much more than just my life. He could steal my heart"~Pim
Now I know which series will be on my bookshelf in paperback! I love Pepper Winters' books, but this series is my favorite for me! And I love the covers!
Úr Isten! Ez a könyv fantasztikus volt! Fantasztikusan ír Pepper Winters!
Elder Prest *sóhaj*
Elder elrabolta Pimlicot Arliktól. De azt mondta Pimliconak, hogy ő nem a megmentője, hanem egy másik szörnyeteg. De én nem tartom szörnyetegnek. Valószínűleg azért, mert nem tudjuk még mi a nagy titka. Még nem ismerjük Eldert. Szerintem összetett személyiség. Nagy akaraterővel bír. Vonzódik Pim-hez, de nem sietteti. Meg akarja ismerni a múltját és a titkait. Meg akarja gyógyítani, nem csak testileg, hanem lelkileg is. És ezért szerettem meg Eldert. Nincs könnyű feladata. Nagyon tetszett, ahogy távol tartotta magát tőle, mert nem akarta bántani, annak ellenére hogy mindennél jobban vele akart lenni. Sokat harcolt önmagával.
Pim egy megtört személyiség. nemcsak testileg, hanem lelkileg is és értelmileg is. Teljesen megértem miért ilyen. És nem is értem, hogy lehet ilyen erős mindannak ellenére ami vele történt.
Pim szenved és fél. Nem tudja mi fog vele történni, ha meggyógyult. De tudja, hogy Elder nem akarja elengedni. Elméjében ő Pim, a megtört néma lány. De ahogy gyógyul egyre inkább elkezd Tasminra hasonlítani. Talán Arlik nem ölte meg teljesen a régi énjét.
Teljesen megértem, hogy miért nem nyílik meg Elder-nek. Nem tud bízni senkiben, kifejezetten egy domináns férfiben nem, mint Elder. De van köztük valamilyen kötelék. Nem csak vonzalom és vágy, hanem barátság is. Elderrel szavak nélkül is tudnak beszélni. Elder jól olvassa a testbeszédjét. megérti őt, szavak nélkül is.
Őszintén szólva beleszerettem Elderbe. 💓Igen, domináns, és valami nincs rendben vele (még nem tudjuk mi az), de az ahogy segíteni akar Pimliconak annyira szeretnivaló!
Pim sokat változott a könyvben és remélem, hogy rendben lesz! És a befejezés... pff.
Kell most azonnal a következő rész! 😊
Most már tudom, melyik lesz a következő sorozat a könyvespolcomon. Egyszerűen imádom Pepper Winters stílusát, szeretem a könyveit, de ez a sorozat a kedvencem tőle. És a borítók is nagyon tetszenek!
Pennie$ Book One in the Dollar Series
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Hundreds (Book Three)
Release date to be determined
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Thousands (Book Four)
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Millions (Book Five)
Release date to be determined
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Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1XTAfzE
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About the Author
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
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