American Queen by Sierra Simone
Release Date: October 25th,
2016 Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Hang Le

It starts with a stolen kiss under an English sky, and it ends with a walk down the aisle. It starts with the President sending his best friend to woo me on his behalf, and it ends with my heart split in two. It starts with buried secrets and dangerous desires…and ends with the three of us bound together with a hateful love sharper than any barbed wire.
My name is Greer Galloway, and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States.
This is the story of an American Queen.
“I kept thinking about what I wanted to give you today for our wedding day, and honestly, Greer, there isn’t really anything I couldn’t give you. Jewelry or exotic vacations or rare editions of the books you love, anything I could have dreamed of, I could get for you—but they were just things. I didn’t want to get you a thing for a curio cabinet or a jewelry box. I wanted to give you something that you could carry with you through our new life together. Something that would make you a promise.”
The best man’s hand brushes up against my stocking-covered ankle and I gasp.
“What is it, princess?” Ash's low voice comes over the phone line.
“Embry…I mean, Ash, I—" I can't find the words just then, because Embry’s hand slides up my calf and everything stops. My thoughts, my feelings, my guilt—my world shrinks to Ash’s voice on the phone and the fingers moving past my knee and Embry’s face, so controlled. But lust and anger and determination are fissuring across that control, and I can see his wide pupils and the pulse pounding in his neck and the trembling of his lips.
What is happening? I think distantly to myself. What am I letting happen…and all while I’m on the phone with my soon-to-be husband?
And then the world slams back into motion, and I make a strangled noise, stumbling backwards, away from Embry. He starts to stand and come toward me, and I hold out one of my hands, moving backwards until my back is pressed against the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the skyline.
Embry looks down at my shaking hand and then back up to me, those fissures in his control now full-on fractures, and he says, “Greer…”
“Don’t test me,” I whisper, not sure if I'm whispering to the groom or the best man. “Don’t test me like this.”
This isn't happening. I missed a connection somewhere, misunderstood something vital, because there is no way, no fucking way, that Ash is offering his best friend to me as some sort of wedding present. This is my wishful thinking turned toxic, this is my darkest fantasies turning into delusion—
“I want you to let Embry give you my gift,” Ash tells me. “While I listen. That’s what you’ll give me in exchange: every single moan, pant and cry will be for me.”
“You can’t be saying what I think you’re saying,” I say.
"Oh, don't worry, angel. I'll get something out of this for me too."
I hear the dark roughness in his voice and I realize I'm so very, very wet.
“Close your eyes,” Ash orders.
I do, my panting somehow louder in my head when I can't see anything. The glass window against my back is cool and strong, just like Ash’s words in my ear.
“I know you’re wet. I know it like I know Embry is hard right now, just from the mere thought of touching you. You want it, don’t you? You want it so much that you’re shaking with the effort it’s taking to hold yourself back.”
“But I don’t want to hurt you.” It's my final plea, my final argument, my final grasp at some semblance of sanity. My skirts are almost up at my waist now, and I know the moment Embry catches sight of my delicate, hand-embroidered French panties because he takes in a sharp breath, as if punched in the gut.
“It all hurts,” Ash says. “It hurts watching you two watching each other. It hurts watching him with other people. There’s no part about this that doesn’t hurt, but what’s the alternative? Living without the pain means living without each other.”
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My Review:
OMG! I loved this book so much! I don't usually read books like this, but it was amazing! It's a BDSM erotic romance, I don't have a problem with it, I've read a lot of books in this genre. Some of them I liked, the others not much (depends on the writing). This book was so well-written, and this book contains light BDSM scenes. I liked that so much. But I don't usually read books with menage (m/m/f) erotic scenes, but this was good. SO I LOVED THE BOOK!
Greer is an independent woman despite the fact that her grandfather is a late President of the US. She used to be around politicians a lot. She has a career, and she wants to be a simple person.
"This world hangs on a thread, balanced between trust and power. Powerful people have to decide when to trust each other and when to fight each other, and those decisions aren't always make with the mind. They're made with the heart."~Merlin
She met Ash when she was 16, and after a few kisses she fell in love. But Ash was a soldier that time, so they didn't met again until she was 20. But they couldn't be together at that time either. She was so heartbroken and when a handsome man asked her out, she said yes. This man was Embry. They had a hot, passionate night together. And after it Embry didn't call her. She was heartbroken again, because she didn't just give Embry her virginity,but her heart too.
Five years later Embry visited her. He was the Vice President of the United States, the best friend of the President. And why did he visit her? Because the President wanted her.... And the President was Ash.
So Greer found her in a hard situation. First she didn't really want to be a part of the political scene, the other hand she loved Ash and Embry too.
"God can warn me all he wants, but that doesn't mean I have to listen."~Greer
And why did I love this book? Because yes it's an erotic romance, but the essence of the book weren't the sex scenes but the feelings. It's not easy to be the President's lover or became the First Lady. But it's much harder to be this woman when you love the President's best friend too, who is actually the Vice President.
Ash had feelings from the first time, but first Greer was young and later he was engaged and then married. He is a good man. I liked that he was faithful to his wife, and he was so powerful, not just an alpha male but he was the PRESIDENT! He wasn't so bad in the BDSM scene either. And I liked it. Greer knew from the beginning she was different than her friends. She knew she was kinky, she loved to be dominated, she was a tipical submissive in the bedroom.
"I want to feel like my veins are being sliced open by the sheer desire of someone powerful, I want to be handled and cherished and used and worshipped. I want a man or a woman to claim me as their equal partner in every way-until we're alone. Then I want to crawl to them."~Greer
"I don't just want you at my feet. I want you by my side"~Ash
"I want you to be mine in here, and I want to be yours out there."~Ash
"You're going to be my wife. My wife who kneels at my feet, who presents her cunt to me without question when I demand it, who trusts me with her heart and soul and future. You think it's either/or that you belong to yourself or belong to me, but I'm telling you right now that it's both/and. You belong to yourself and you belong to me, and I don't fucking care that it seems like a contradiction because we both know it isn't. Now if you can't accept that, then say my name right now and we will step back and renegotiate our relationship. But if you are willing to submit to the fact that I will move fucking heaven and earth to keep you from harm, then say yes, Sir."~Ash
And Embry... I felt sorry for him, because he couldn't be with his love. He suffered a lot, because he had to watch Ash and Greer together. He was a good man too. He was a hero like Ash, and powerful too because he was the Vice President. But he was a tipical playboy sleeping around. And yes, he was handsome, and smart too.
The truth is that they all suffered because of their feelings for each other.
"I saw that you can be hurt-mortally wounded, in fact-and it doesn't have to be anyone's fault. Sometimes the world is just cruel that way, and it wasn't fair to grudge them their happiness even as it tore down my own."~Greer
"Trust without truth isn't actually trust."Greer
"There's no part about this that doesn't hurt, but what's the alternative? Living without the pain means living without each other.(...) At least this way I can have some control over it. At least this way, I can make it feel good just as much as it hurts."~Ash
But Now I'm disappointed, because I didn't know that it's a trilogy. The problem is now I have to wait and I hate waiting!
So I missed this little information. Honestly I loved the cover and read the blurb and I knew I wanted to read this book. And I didn't look after if it's a standalone or it's a series. Now I don't have a choice, I have to wait!
Istenem! Imádtam ezt a könyvet! Általában nem olvasok ilyen könyveket, de ez a könyv fantasztikus volt. Ez egy erotikus romantikus könyv (BDSM). Ezzel nincsen problémám. Sok könyvet olvastam ebben a műfajban. Voltak olyanok, amelyeket szerettem és voltak olyanok melyeket nem annyira (függ az írónő stílusától). Ez a könyv nagyon jól meg van írva, és enyhe, lightos BDSM jeleneteket tartalmaz. Ez nagyo tetszett. De nemigazán szoktam olvasni olyan könyvet melyben menage (férfi/férfi/nő) szexjelenet van. De ez jó volt. Tehát nagyon szerettem ezt a könyvet!
Greer egy független nő, attól függetlenül, hogy nagyapja az Egyesült Államok elnöke volt. Sok politikus között volt, De neki van hivatása, és egy egyszerű, hétköznapi ember akar lenni
16 évesen találkozik Ash-el, és egy pár csók után beleszeret. De Ash abban az időben katona volt, így nem találkoztak újra, csak amikor Greer 20 éves volt. De akkor sem lehettek együtt. Ez összetörte a szívét, szóval mikor egy helyes pasi elhívta 'randizni', igent mondott. Ez a férfi volt Embry. Egy szenvedélyes, forró éjszakát töltöttek együtt, de utána Embry felszívódott, nem hívta őt. Ismét összetört a szíve,mert nem csak a szüzességét adta oda Embrynek, hanem a szívét is.
Öt évvel később Embry meglátogatta, Ő volt az Egyesült Államok alelnöke. És miért kereste fel? Mert az USA elnöke találkozni akart Geer-el. És ki az USA elnöke? Hát nem más, mint ASh.
Greer nahéz helyzetben találta magát. Nemcsak azért mert nem akart a politikai életbe visszakerülni, hanem azért is, mert nemcsak Ash-t, hanem Embry-t is szerette.
És miért szerettem ezt a könyvet? mert a könyvnek a lényege nem a szex jelenetek voltak, hanem az érzések. Nem egyszerű az elnök szeretőjének lenni, illetve First Lady-nek sem. De sokkal nehezebb ennek a nőnek lenni, ha szereted az elnök legjobb barátját is, aki mellesleg az alelnök.
Ash-nek már a kezdetektől fogva voltak érzései, de először Greer túl fiatal volt, utána Ash el volt jegyezve, majd házas volt. Ash jó ember. Tetszett, hogy hűséges volt a feleségéhez, és egy erős, hatalommal bíró pasi volt nemcsak egy alfahím, de ő az Egyesült Államok ELNÖKE!. Nem volt annyira rossz a BDSM jelenetekben sem, és ezt szerettem.
Greer már a kezdetektől fogva tudta, hogy más mint a barátai. Tudta, hogy egy kicsit perverz, szerette ha uralkodnak felette, egy tipikus szun volt a hálószobában.
Embry-t pedig sajnáltam, mert nem tudott együtt lenni a szerelmével. Szenvedett, mert együtt látta Ash-t és Greer-t. Szintén jó ember, és egy hős mint Ash. Valamint befolyásos, mert ő az alelnök, de ő egy tipikus playboy, mindenkivel lefekszik. És igen, helyes és okos is.
Az igazság az, hogy mindannyian szenvedtek az egymás iránti érzéseik miatt.
De most egy kicsit csalódott vagyok, mert nem tudtam, hogy ez egy trilógia. És függővégű!! A problémám nem a függővéggel van, hanem azzal, hogy most várnom kell, és utálok várni!
Szóval ezt a kis információt elnéztem. Őszintén szólva láttam a borítót és elolvastam a fülszöveget, és egyből tudtam, hogy el akarom olvasni ezt a könyvet. Nem néztem utána, hogy ez egy sorozat vagy egy önálló könyv. Mostmár nincs más választásom, várnom kell.
Buy Links:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2fblRVq

About the Author:
Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City
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