Meet Zander & Getty in DOWN SHIFT -
the newest stand alone in the Driven Series by K. Bromberg!
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The New York Times bestselling Driven series continues with a story about finding love where you least expect it...
Behind the wheel, racing champion Zander Donavan is at the top of his game. But after too much excess in his personal life, he’s forced to step away. He needs to accomplish something all on his own—outside of his famous father, Colton Donavan’s, shadow.
Getty Caster is running away from the abuse that clouds her past. She thinks she’s found the perfect escape—until she discovers a stranger in the beachside cottage she’d been promised. He’s undeniably sexy, but she’s there to heal. Alone.
Before long though, fighting with each other turns into fighting their attraction. And giving into desire sets off a chain reaction that has their pasts colliding. With an unexpected love on the line, can they overcome the fallout to build a future?
“You don’t know anything about me.” My voice is slight but strong, my need to assert myself front and center despite his calling me on the carpet.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Socks. I might not know where you’re from or why I ruffled your feathers today, but I know you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. Whatever it is that you ran from back home, you did it. You got out and are making it on your own. That takes guts and you deserve mad props for that. I know you like things messy and are goddamn cute when you’re tipsy. I know you’re stubborn as hell and gorgeous as fuck. And that your kiss tastes like an aged whiskey: something I want to sip slowly, feel on my lips, savor on my tongue, and take my time with before I get drunk on it.” With a lift of his eyebrows and a nod of his head, he walks past me, leaving me with my mouth agape and eyes wide.
I can’t move. Just stand staring at the door in front of me as I try to process what he just said, what he meant by it, and yet there’s no use because we just had a whole one-sided conversation and that need to banter with him is gone. Lost to the tingling in my lower belly and the wild spinning of my thoughts.
“Oh, and, Getty?” Zander calls out to me from the kitchen, refusing to continue until I turn to face him, standing there unabashedly shirtless. “If you ever call me pretty again, we’re gonna have a real problem. I guarantee you there is nothing pretty about me.”
I almost smile at the fact that out of all of the crappy things I said to him, that is the one that bugged him the most.
“You are kind of pretty, though,” I murmur, unable to resist goading him further, needing to try to get us back on an even playing field. Because hell if right now I don’t feel like I’m on the low end of the teeter-totter.
His immediate response? A snort to signify that his chiseled abs and the tall, dark, and handsome thing he’s got going on are nothing more than average.
“Last warning, Socks.” His eyes flash with mirth. And what looks like desire.
An unexpected part of me—the one who usually hides and doesn’t ever take a chance—wants to say it again. Just to see what he’d do if I did.
“So damn pretty.” I don’t know who’s more shocked at my comment, him or me, but we stand there for a moment, gazes locked, unspoken words warring across the distance between us.
He walks toward me with a predatory gleam in his eyes and a salacious smirk on his lips that catches me off guard. “I know I said you were brave, Getty, but now you’re just playing with matches.”
I draw in a long inhale as he steps right in front of me. I can’t look at him. My nerve is suddenly gone. Outside, rain pelts the roof. The constant drip into the bucket in the hallway serves as a metronome to this anticipatory silence we are dancing in. The goose bumps on his chest are the only thing I can focus on.
When his thumb and forefinger direct my chin up so I’m forced to meet his eyes, every part of me hums from his touch. From the want of something I don’t quite understand myself and couldn’t ever put into words. Our eyes meet—his intense, mine searching for answers that aren’t his to give—before his gaze flicks down to my mouth and then back up again.
“Not yet, Getty.” He closes his eyes for a beat, and I see what I think is restraint reflected in his grimace, before a ghost of a smile spreads on his lips. “I don’t think you’re ready to light this fire just yet.”
My Review:
This book totally enchanted me! I love K. Bromberg's books! All of them!
My absolute favorite character is Colton, but now I don't know.... *sigh* Because I love Zander too!!!
"(...) sometimes you need to live in the moment and enjoy the little things, because you never know what tomorrow brings."
We know Zander, what happened with him, so we know that he had a difficult life. But now he has Colton and Rylee, he races like Colton, he is the Golden Boy. And yes, he is an arrogant, sexy playboy. Every women want him, and he doesn't say no to them. But something happened which ripped up an old sore. He bacame angry, and hurt his family, but he was hurting too. So he left home to think about his life, and met Getty.
"Hurt not only clouds your judgement, but it can also blind you from the real reason you're mad."~Zander
We can read about Rylee and Colton too. It was strange to read about the older Colton, who became wise and became a perfect father for Zander!
It was strange but perfect! I loved it!

"Let someone in instead of shutting everyone out. It doesn't have to be me. Or Rylee. Or anyone we know, but let them in; you'll be a better man because of it. Sometimes it takes a new ear, a fresh voice, to put things in perspective for you."~Colton
Getty doesn't have an easy life either. She run away from her old life to try to live alone. She wants to be a stronger woman, she wants to be independent from men.
"the invisible scars are the ones that cut the deepest and stay with you the longest."~Getty
"You don't have to hit to leave bruises."~Zander
Both of them have issues. They have to deal with their problems. But after a while it turns out that they aren't alone, they have each other.
"Everyone's churning ocean is fueled by a different type of storm,"~Zander
"(...) sometimes there are truths you know deep down, and it's only when someone else says them aloud do you really hear them. Those are the ones that hurt the most."~Zander
"Sometimes looking back is so much harder than looking forward."~Zander
I loved how Zander stood up for Getty when they met her father! I loved that scene, and I think I fell in love more with Zander after it! 

What I loved about this story, that their relationship unfolded slowly. Even though they had chemistry they didn't have sex immediately. And GOD how I loved their conversations!
"Men wear the pants in the relationship, but it's the woman that controls the zipper."
Zander is a good guy but he has to deal with some shit. And I wanted to hug him so many times!
But I liked Getty too, because she could escaped from her past, and became strong. Both of them started to feel something more than friendship, and I loved to read about how they opened up to each other.

"Love can be pure. Love can be fierce. It can be volatile. It can turn black. But even when it does, you can't always stop loving.(...) Love. Love fiercely. Love purely. Love blindly if you want, but never let love turn black. Ir it turns black, walk away and never look back. (...) Make mistakes. It's allowed. Dont't get upset over the little ones. Learn from the big ones. And whatever the mistake, right the wrong as soon as you can."
"You make me live. You make me feel. You make me laugh. You make me want tomorrows and sunsets and forevers when I never even thought twice about any of them before. And I only want them with you."~Zander
I love the whole book, but the ending... *sigh* I need more Zander!
PS: I love the cover! I need this book on my bookshelf! Why is the shipping so expensive??? ugrhh
Ez a könyv teljesen elvarázsolt! Imádom K. Bromberg könyveit! Mindet!
Abszolút kedvenc karakterem Colton, de most nem tudom... *sóhaj* Mert nagyon megszerettem Zandert is!!!
Már ismerjük Zandert, tudjuk mi történt vele. Nehéz élete volt, de mostmár ott van neki Rylee és Colton. Versenyzik mint Colton, ő az Arany Ifjú. És igen, egy arrogáns, szexi playboy! Minden nő őt akarja és aő persze nem mond nekik nemet. de valami történt ami feltépte a régi sebeket. Mérges volt, és fájdalmat okozott a családjának, de ő maga is szenvedett. Ezért elment hogy átgondolja életét, és ekkor találkozott Getty-vel.
Olvashatunk Rylee-ról és Colton-ról is. Furcsa volt olvasni az idősebb Coltonról, aki érett és tökéletes apja lett Zander-nek. Furcsa volt de tökéletes. Imádtam!
Getty-nek sem volt egyszerű élete. Elmenekült a régi életétől, hogy megpróbáljon egyedül élni. Erősebb nő akar lenni, és független a férfiaktól.
Mindkettejüknek vannak problémái, amikkel foglalkozniuk kell. De kiderül, hogy nincsenek egyedül, ott vannak egymásnak, egymásra támaszkodhatnak.
Imádtam, ahogy Zander kiállt Getty-ért, mikor találkoztak annak apjával! Imádtam azt a jelenetet, és azt hiszem ezután mégjobban beleszerettem Zander-be!
Ami nagyon tetszett a történetben, hogy kapcsolatuk, érzelmeik lassan alakultak ki. Annak ellenére, hogy nagyon vonzódtak egymáshoz, nem estek egyből egymásnak. És Istenem, úgy szerettem a párbeszédeiket!
Zander nagyon jó ember, de nehéz dolgokkal kell megküzdenie. Olyan sokszor meg akartam ölelni!
De Getty-t is szerettem, mert erős volt, és ki tudott lépni a múltból. Mindketten elkezdtek többet érezni barátságnál, és nagyon jó volt olvasni, ahogy megnyíltak egymásnak!
Imádtam az egész könyvet, de a vége... *sóhaj* Több Zandert akarok!!!
UI: Nagyon tetszik a borító! Kell ez a könyv a polcomra! Miért ilyen drága a szállítás??? uhhh
Want more K. Bromberg?
Sweet Cheeks releases on November 14th
Pre-order on iBooks Here:
About the Author:
New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary novels that contain a mixture of sweet, emotional, a whole lot of sexy and a little bit of real. She likes to write strong heroines and damaged heroes who we love to hate and hate to love.
She’s a mixture of most of her female characters: sassy, intelligent, stubborn, reserved, outgoing, driven, emotional, strong, and wears her heart on her sleeve. All of which she displays daily with her husband and three children where they live in Southern California.
On a whim, K. Bromberg decided to try her hand at this writing thing. Since then she has written The Driven Series (Driven, Fueled, Crashed, Raced, Aced), the standalone Driven Novels (Slow Burn, Sweet Ache, Hard Beat, and Down Shift (Releasing 10/4/16)), and a short story titled UnRaveled. She is currently finishing up Sweet Cheeks a standalone novel out at the end of 2016.
Her plans for 2017 include a sports romance duet (The Player (#1) and The Catch (#2)) and the Everyday Heroes series (Cuffed (#1), Combust (#2), and Cockpit (#3). She’s also writing a novella for the 1,001 Dark Night series that will be out in February 2017.
She loves to hear from her readers so make sure you check her out on social media.
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