Final Debt by Pepper Winters

Series: Indebted #6
The Last Book in the New York TImes Bestselling Dark Romance Series. Where love tries to triumph and darkness continues to reign….
“I’m in love with her, but it might not be enough to stop her from becoming the latest victim of the Debt Inheritance. I know who I am now. I know what I must do. We will be together—I just hope it’s on Earth rather than in heaven.”
It all comes down to this.
Love versus life.
Debts versus death.
Who will win?

My Review:

I loved it! I really couldn't put it down. It was the most exciting book in the series! 
"The eyes paint an awful picture, but the mind is far worse."~Jethro
"Silence is more terrifying than shouts. Smoothness is more horrifying than sharp motions." 
I loved to read about how Jethro fight for Nila. I loved how strong Nila was. 
"She was mine as much as I was hers. Now and for always. Alive or dead. We were one"
Cut and Daniel brought Nila to Botswana to their mine. Here they were planning to torture, hurt her, to finish the third debt and fourth debt.
Daniel was so cruel but we could see why he became this kind of person. And I pitied him a little.
"His actions concealed any weakness he might've shown, cleverly reminding me that everyone had issues, everyone had skeletons and secrets, but it didn't matter. What mattered was the person you became despite your past. And Daniel had no intention of changing."
Jethro became a real hero! I loved him so much! 
"Nila I love you. Ever since you replied to my first text, my heart has put you above everyone in my family."~Jethro
"She'd been born for me. I'd been born for her. We were linked. Joined by fate and history and desteny. Star-crossed, doomed from the start, absolutely forbidden lovers." 
Cut. It's hard writing about him. He was so evil, but in the end... I didn't know. I didn't like him, I hated him, but the author ended his story perfectly. I loved the Cut-Jethro scenes. 
" Take care of those you love, Jethro. (...) Don't ever let corruption turn you into me."~Cut
 Jaz and Kestrel. I loved them. Especially Kestre
"You're never truly alone when you know you're loved by another"
“Good people died. Bad people lived. And the rest of us had to continue surviving.” 
"A man who has everything has nothing if he doesn't have love." 
We became to know the past. How everything started. We knew what happened with Nila's mother, Emma. What happened with the Weavers. We became to know everything. This book was so exciting because of the history what we became to know, and because of the 'war' between Hawks and Weavers, accurately between Jethro an his family.
I loved the full series! If you want to read a good dark-romance, choose this series!

Imádtam! Tényleg nem tudtam letenni. Ez volt a legérdekesebb része a sorozatnak.
Szerettem olvasni Jethro Niláért folytatott harcáról. Szerettem olvasni, hogy Nila milyen erős volt.
Cut és Daniel Botswanába vitte Nilát, hogy ott bántsák, kínozzák, behajtsák a harmadik és negyedik adósságot.
Daniel kegyetlen volt, de mostmár látjuk, miért lett ilyen ember. És én egy picit megsajnáltam őt.
Jethro egy igazi hős lett! Nagyon megszerettem!
Cut. Róla nehéz írni. Ő nagyon gonosz volt. És a végén... Nem is tudom. Nem szerettem őt, azt mondanám, hogy utáltam őt, de az írónő nagyon jól lezárta a történetét. Nagyon tetszettek a Cut-Jethro jelenetek.
Jaz és Kestrel. Szerettem őket, főleg Kestrelt.
Megismerhettük a múltat. Hogy hogyan kezdődött minden. Megtudtuk mi történt Nila anyjával, Emmával. Mi történt a többi Weaverrel. Mindent megtudtunk. Ez a könyv azért volt olyan érdekes, mert megismertük a történetet, másrészt a Weaver és Hawk család közötti 'harc', jobban mondta Jethro és a Hawk család közötti harc miatt.
Szerettem az egész sorozatot! Ha valaki szereti a dark-romance kategóriába tartozó könyveket, az válassza ezt a sorozatot!

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