K. Bromberg: Crashed

Sorozat: Driven 3
When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can’t live without, each other?
Life is full of moments. 
Big moments. 
Little moments. 
And none of them are inconsequential. 
Every single moment prepares you for that one instance that defines your life. You must overcome all your fears, confront the demons that chase you, and cleanse the poison that clings to your soul or you risk the chance of losing everything.
Mine started the minute Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet. She made me feel. Made me whole when all I thought I could ever be was incomplete. Became the lifeline I never knew I needed. Hell yes, she’s worth the fight…but how do you fight for someone you know you don’t deserve?
Love is full of ups and downs. 
Heart stopping highs. 
Soul shattering lows. 
And none of them are insignificant. 
Love is a racecourse of unexpected twists and turns that must be negotiated. You have to break down walls, learn to trust, and heal from your past in order to win. But sometimes it’s the expected that’s the hardest to hold on to.
Colton has healed and completed me, stolen my heart, and made me realize our love’s not predictable nor perfect—it’s bent. And bent’s okay. But when outside factors put our relationship to the test, what lengths will I have to go to prove to him that he’s worth the fight?
Whoever said love is patient and love is kind, never met the two of us. We know our love is worth it—have acknowledged that we were meant to be—but when our pasts crash into our future, will the repercussions make us stronger or break us apart?

Mostanában a legtöbb sorozattal úgy járok, hogy a harmadik rész tetszik a legjobban. Hamar a végére értem, olvastatta magát. A végén egy igazán 'édes' történet lett belőle. The perfect happily ever after! 
Szintén váltott nézőpontú a könyv, Colton szemszöge általában akkor jelenik meg mikor valami sorsfordító történik. Talán ezért tetszett a második és harmadik könyv jobban az elsőnél, nagyon jó hogy olvashatjuk Colton belső vívódását, gondolatait, érzéseit. Szinte rá se lehet ismerni az első könyvben megjelent arrogáns playboyra. Colton megnyílik, imádnivalóan romantikus dolgokat mond és tesz (főleg a végén :) ), holott ő állította, hogy a romantika nem az asztala. 


"Shit, we’ve already done the for better or worse part and the in sickness and health, so let’s do the ’til death do us part too. Make a life with me, Ryles. Start with me. End with me. Complete me. Be my one and only first. Be my goddamn victory lane and my fucking checkered flag because God knows I’ll be yours if you’ll let me. Marry me, Ry?"
"I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory lane."
 "Life isn’t about how you survive the storm, but rather how you dance in the rain."
Shit, the only reason to kick a man like him out of bed would be to fuck him on the floor."
 "Hurting is feeling and feeling is living, and isn't it good to be alive?"
 „Every sinner needs a saint to balance them out.”
 „I say, never look down on a man unless he's between your legs.”

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